Go Mario!

Oct 07, 2010 12:28

Mario Vargas Llosa won the literature Nobel Prize!

I know this whole "Latin American pride" may sound stupid, but the hell it exists! I love everything I've ever read by Vargas Llosa, and even though I don't have anything against Cormac McCarthy or Haruki Murakami, I was (am) really happy that he beat them, lol:P

In other news, I'm giving my second art class today, and I've already been warned by one of my coordinators about this group being particularly hard...They're only 4 (Evelyn, Haydée, Angélica and Nélida), but there seems to be a huge "mental gap" between them (I quote: "While Haydée is young and vivacious, Angélica and Nélida are visibly deteriorated"). Plus, I was remarked that Nélida can be "a bit agressive". Dunno whether they should've told me this or not, as I fear I may worry more than necessary, but anyways, it shall be a challenge...we'll see how it goes...

Forgot to mention! Last Saturday I attended a gymnastics event in which my sis participated, and I got an awful sunburn on my nose!! Fortunately it has stop hurting recently, but I'm afraid I'll have to powder my noise A LOT  so it won't notice at today's meeting/class. It may sound silly, but I don't want to look this bad when meeting co-workers...and students!

working, everyday stories, nobel prize, family, go latin america!, me, pride, literature

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