Apr 05, 2010 20:40
Went to Paraná, a lovely city near the homonymous river, with my less than lovely family, who decided that having a rest from our city equals constant complaining. "Knowing this place is capital of the province, I think it's rather small", "I'm starving!", "I don't wanna eat freaking fish!", "Are we ever gonna stop walikng??", "We're going going downtown by car??Can't we go walking?", "Is there anythig fun to do here?" "It's that it?"....For God's sake, STFU!!! And for a change, I screwed it up during Holy Friday while dinning by declaring myself pro abortion and euthanasia *face desk*. Anyway, if I had been with friends/ my significant other, I think I would have enjoyed it more...a couple of sunny days wouldn't have killed us either...On the other hand, the food was delicious, and I spent most days eating like a pig and reading (Nausea, by Jean Paul Sartre...maybe that was the problem of my trip: existencialists are not meant to be read on holidays, specially if you are sorrounded by your family), so I guess it wasn't that bad? The less I think about it, the better...
On another note, saw Fantastic Mr. Fox yesterday with Sebastian, and thought it was...well...fantastic! You've got to watch it!
PS: I will eventually go through your previous entries...someday, I promise! Classes are keeping really busy!