Feb 16, 2010 18:23
Just a pointless post to tell everyone that I'm alive and kicking, and that I had a fantastic Valentine's Day with Sebastian. We didn't do anything in particular- just some roaming and eating (I've recently tried cupcakes for the very first time in my life at a bakery near my Mom's, and I've already passed on my addiction to him, lol:P), but idk, it felt special to me. Maybe the fact that I thought we weren't gonna "celebrate" Valentine's, as our annimonthary was on Friday, and having 2 romantic dinners in only one weekend would've been too much:P (btw, on Friday we had pasta at a fancy Italian restaurant...my tummy was oh so happy!xD) contributed to this feeling...maybe it was the sunny day...or the "surprise" that he had for me, which I didn't see it coming at all (took me to the spot were we first kissed- i.e. a bench near the Fine Arts Museum. Isn't that cute??^^). Anyways, believe it or not, I became a living cliché on Sunday. I guess it was unavoidable?^^'
Work's doing great, as usual. I've already received an invitation from a Canadian couple in their mid-fifties to visit Toronto and stay in at their house, and a proposal by an Italian guy to study at Wellesley college after I graduate (he teaches History of the cinema there). In both cases I was left their emails. Un-freaking-believable!
An study's doing...okay. I've aleady finished reading everything for my Argentine Art II final, so the only thing left for me to do would be to prepare the subject, but now that I've started reading the bibliopgraphy for Art of the XXth century I feel highly discouraged- I can't concentrate and find most texts too hard to understand. I just hope they get better, because so far, I feel they are an increadible waste of time¬¬
everyday stories,