Being thankful

Dec 29, 2009 13:19

Just when you think your end of the year's getting kinda bittersweet, something happens that reminds you you've always have to look on the brightside and be thankful for what you've got.

1) After almost 2 months (or so) without seeing each other, tomorrow I'm finally visiting my lovely highschool friend Dani and her 2 naughty bunnies. I was feeling deep inside a bit sad, because it seemed like we would never agree on a date  that was convenient for both of us (I used to be busy with my finals, and she was/is busy with her pilates classes- she's taking a course to become a pilates teacher). I'm glad, because she's one of my best friends, and I'm not used to seeing her so little!

2) And speaking of bunnies, I just came back to my Mom's, and as soon I arrived, the post officer rang my bell, carrying a package...for me (something definitely rare for me:P)! Turns out it was Maggie'szilverkittie  present, containing...The Death of Bunny Munro, by NICK CAVE (and 3 pairs of matching  handmade button earrings, which I totally loved)! I've been in such a bad variating mood lately that I had totally forgotten we had made a gift swap after all! And on top of that, yesterday I finished reading Ada or Ardor (delightful story, though definitely not a light one...if you're feeling patient I thoroughly recommend it, it's totally worthwhile!), so the timing was just perfect- I'm starting it right now! Thank you, sweetie, you made my day!:D

PS:I just got your postcard, Justyna clampin! Thank you darling, Poznan is lovely even without snow!^^

presents, friends, books

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