CHALLENGE: February is the Month of Love - Indexing Complete

Mar 15, 2013 10:40

Hi everyone

First of all, apologies for my absence. My computer died toward the end of February. It had to be repaired, the operating system completely re-installed, etc., so I was without it for a week. Four days after taking the computer to be repaired, the shifter cable went in our car. What a mess. We had to get a rental car for my husband's job because he's a home health physical therapist. All in all, we burned through our savings and thank goodness we'd already filed our taxes because without that tax refund... I've spent a lot of time since that craziness playing catch up. Had to re-install everything on the computer, download all the various updates, refigure our budget (since we lost that also), you name it... all while doing my regular things around home so I didn't get further behind.

Life would have been easier IF we'd had everything backed up. (I do keep the majority of my photos on the little camera disks, and my genealogy project is online, thank goodness.) I now have a nifty little back up hard drive sitting by my computer. Budgets, book review lists, emails, calendars, it all goes on it.

Anyway... that's the long-winded explanation of why I was away.

I am happy to announce I have FINALLY indexed all the entries from this year's MoL challenge. It took a little longer to do since I was reading the fics and having a chuckle over some of them. Thank you to everyone who took part. And thank you especially to those of who jumped in on empty days.

2013 Month of Love Index

We WILL have a 2014 challenge. I have a date for launching it saved on my iPhone (not my computer *g*) so mark it in your calendars and start thinking about it now.

Thanks again everyone.


challenge: 2013 month of love

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