"Where Are They Now-paloosa" - Day 3

Nov 03, 2012 08:21

Sorry for being late this morning. I should've posted this before going to bed.

Fanfiction Recommendation
TITLE: Overture in Slow Motion
AUTHOR: lc59
RATING: K for now, she says it'll be M by the time she finishes it
CATEGORY: episode tag, Drama/Angst/Romance, Hurt/Comfort
PAIRINGS: Daniel/Vala, mentions of Sam/Jack
CHARACTERS: Daniel Jackson, Vala Mal Doran, Samantha Carter, (Jack O'Neill, Cameron Mitchell, and Teal'c, I think. I have to reread it too.)
SPOILERS/TIMELINE: episode tag to Stargate:Atlantis ep 5x10/11 First Contact/Lost Tribe
SUMMARY/PREMISE: A (hopefully) "how they get together" fic using the injuries sustained in the SGA two-parter as a catalyst. I suck at summaries. Let's see, what was hers... Injuries sustained during his trip to Atlantis reminds Daniel that "life is short". Hey, I was pretty close. :)

Let's see, reason for the rec: Well, it happens in SGA, one of the last times we see Daniel aside from the Universe eps that come later. And she just updated with a new chapter, so maybe if I can drum up some hits and reviews, she'll end up finishing it. ;) I'm so nefarious sometimes.

Click here to read the story on FanFiction.net

recommendation, *fanfic, challenge: 2012 where are they now

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