Oct 05, 2012 12:03
I know it's not technically Daniel/Vala, but it has to do with Vala so this might be an okay question. So we're all familiar with Cam's "Princess" nickname for Vala, but is it canon or fanon? Does anybody know when he said it on the show? I've done a quick search on all the transcripts for season 9, 10 and the movies that are posted on the Stargate wiki, and unless the people who are doing the transcripts spelled princess wrong, it doesn't appear ANYWHERE! Did Ben ad-lib it? Is it in a deleted scene somewhere on the DVDs? Is it a holdover from Farscape possibly? Do we all just know Ben's voice so well that it just seems natural? And if it is fanon, which fanfic author out there is responsible? I'd honestly like to shake their hand because it's just so darn perfect. :-D I know I did it in my Cam/Vala smut fics, but I'm sure I wasn't the start of it. I'm not that clever. ;-)
Also, I don't want this to drive anyone crazy, so please don't lose sleep over it. (I already have. LOL) Though, if it inspires a season 9 and 10 rewatch, I'm all for it. :-D
We could also rewatch and relisten for when the "darling" nickname is used for Daniel. I think I first found it in "Pegasus Project" when I was doing my transcript search. But I may have forgotten to search "Prometheus Unbound." *smacks forehead*
(not sure how to tag this either. princess-nickname? eh, probably not.)