Hello, finally finished a new fic. This one has also been, like, 4 years in the making. The stumbling block: believe it or not, it was the smut. *blushes* But this might be good. I definitely like the setup stuff, it might be the better half. lol
Princess Leia and Hans OloAUTHOR:
aeryn_bRATING: NC-17/MA (mature, explicit love scenes)
CATEGORY: Romance, PWP, Established Relationship
PAIRINGS: Daniel/Vala
CHARACTERS: Daniel Jackson, Vala Mal Doran, Samantha Carter, Cameron Mitchell, Teal'c
SPOILERS/TIMELINE: post ep10x20 Unending, written before knowing what Ark of Truth would be like.
SUMMARY/PREMISE: A bit of established relationship, comfortable role-playing sexiness. :)
DISCLAIMER: As always, I don't own these characters or anything else related to Stargate, I just do this for fun!
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Read here on AO3 Let's see, I think that covers it. Please enjoy! :)