Apr 18, 2008 01:05
I've been thinking a lot lately....a lot about forgiveness. I was in an old Episcopal Cathedral for Evensong on wednesday night and God started showing me how bad a person I've been lately when it comes to forgiving people. I have a hard time forgiving my brother rob because of all the stupid and downright detestable things that he's done in his life. I kept thinking that Jesus ate with sinners and kept company with sinners. How can I expect to be a good pastor if I don't even have the heart to be kind to my own half brother.
On this same note I began to think about all the awful things I've done in the past and wondering if people who still hold grudges against me will ever forgive me. I suppose it is too little and too late to hope for any sort of relationship with people I've allienated over the years but at least I can offer my sincere apologizies. IF any one I've wronged in my life and have caused continued pain to happens to read this at some point in the near future, know that I am truly sorry and I hope you are all living lives that are blessed by God. I sincerely wish the best to you all.
P.s. Josh I love you and will be praying for you!
Pss. I realize that I haven't posted in months and that my posts have become extremely infrequent but I am a college student and I'm married so cut me a break.