I thought this was all dreadfully overdone, but then my curiousity gets the better of me and I wonder... So here, I wonder aloud:
I ____ Daniel.
Daniel is ____.
If I were alone in a room with Daniel, I would _______.
I think Daniel should _____.
Daniel needs ______.
I want to _________ Daniel.
Today, I am random Daniel. I need to finish off a few things that I'm working on, including something for
Sheryl, and getting Ben and Chris into some sort of order for the tour that's kicking off later this month.
I'm also wondering if I can even make it to Europe to join Hannah to go to a few concerts, but I promised, and although things are getting more and more hectic, I'm going to try to stick to that promise and make it. I just now need to call and confirm my flight tomorrow and then we'll see if it's a go-ahead.
My computer is playing up again. I should spend a little money and get it repaired, or get a new one. Either way, it would explain why I suddenly fall from chats or discussions for which I apologise.
It's getting late and I should give Chris a ring and see what he's doing.
So ends my random Daniel update.
Edit: now LJ is playing up for me. I'll tackle comments and such later.