Apr 24, 2004 22:27
I guess I'll join in on this new trend that pinker has set, mostly because I'm depressed about julians possible moving.
Without Julian there would be nobody to repeatedly explain how hot Lindsey Lohan or Liv Tyler is
Without Julian Brittany would have nobody to breed puppies with
Without Julian who would sit in the seat behind me in science and history?
Without Julian who would freak out in canoes when spiders decide to randomly jump in off of overhanging branches?
Without Julian who would take up the silence that usually happens during second lunch?
Without Julian where would we get our gushers?
Without Julian who could alex be perverted with?
Without Julian who would be our dictator (its not a bad thing julian! Well it depends i guess..)
Without Julian who would I be writing this entry about?
Without Julian who would be there to tell me about how New Orleans is, or about Aron's Space "Smithsonian"?
Without Julian who would get everybody interested in Theaterjax camp or whatever?
Without Julian who would laugh at that stupid today is your birthday thing?
Without Julian who would like ms. seymour? (sry i just had to put that one in there)
Without Julian who would have volunteered to play the part of a male cheerleader?
As you can see julian, there are too many reasons not to go. We'll miss you too much!