May 03, 2005 11:08
I could not have asked for a better way to spend my weekend…
Happy birthday water balloons, African whores, HRC, brownie pieces, make-out alley, the panini stand, Taormina, lemon and strawberry granita, zuppe inglese gelato in Fuemefreddo, pink and black hoodie turbans, shaking cable cars, beer bottles, Chinese food, naked boy with boxers, crazy "almost" fatal accidents, shopping carts for the last picture, ice skating, Italy 5 vs. USA 0, security guards hiding from the camera, following cars in high speed pursuits, vespas getting hit in the face, “Born in the USA”, the trocadero, the car window that got hit at 120 km, Lebanese and tacos, pasta with corn, the train station and its scale, talking to Becca, open MtdEW bottles, old skool, getting chased by pissed off vespas and dirty boys, the scissors, reminiscing in old stories of Robs car, impersonations…”Karennnnnn…” “Time to vacuum!” laughing uncontrollably in the middle of the night…
It did not even seem real. Even when we were waiting for his train home…it still did not seem real. It was like a dream…until we turned our backs and walked away and that’s when I realized…and even though the sky was clear and the sun blinded our eyes…I could barely make out the street in front of me on my way home…