Jul 06, 2004 21:02
about you...
+ Name: Dana
+ sex: Female
+ Age: 14
+ Location: CT
+ established: April 10, 1990
+ Religion: Jewish..Challah!
+ Height: 5'3, 5'4
+ Shoe size: 6.5
+ Hair color: Blonde
+ Eye color: Hazel
+ Fears: Heights, Staples High School
+Good qualities about you: ummmmmmmm......
+Bad Qualities about you: I'm sure all of you who are reading this could name some
have you ever...
+ Peed your pants? Only when I've laughed soooo hard, wait...we all know that happens a lot
+ Cheated on someone? No
+ Fallen off the bed? Many times.
+ Fallen for a relative? YUCK.
+ Had plastic surgery? Nope
+ Broke someone`s heart? um...you'll have to ask them?? Maybe...
+ Had your heart broken? Yea
+ Had a dream come true? Yes, but not often.
+ Done something you regret? Yea, many things
+ Broken a body part? nope
+ Wearing? Shorts and Tee-shirt (had a huge work-out today)
+ Listening to? Move Ya Body Girl by Nina Sky
+ Eating? Nothing at the moment..aren't you surprised??
Feeling? Happy because I lost 3 pounds and landed my axel CLEAN!!!
+ Reading? The Secret Life of Bees (just finished Jane Eyre)
+ Located? At my computer...?? wow, rocket science
+ Chatting with? Dan, Sarah, and Couzin Matt
+ Watching? The Yankee Game and The World Series of Poker
+ Craving? Ice Cream with strawberries and chocolate sause, to see Rachie, and to get a decent sleep sometime in this century
+ Should REALLY be doing? Sleeping
do you...
+ Brush your teeth? Hell Yes...I do it when i'm mad (which tends to be a lot)..i guess it takes my mind off things...wow, i'm strange
+ Like anybody? nope
+ Have any piercing? My ears
+ Drive? I wish
+ Believe in Santa Claus? No
+ Smoke? Never.
+ Drink? Not yet
+ Got a cellphone? Yes..call me ;)
+ Got a pager? Um..2004??
+ Who is your best? I have many
+ Who is the loudest? Rach and Ariel..omg
+ Who is the shyest? Laura
+ Who is the most talkative? Me?? HaHa jk...like everyone i know
+ Who is the 'hottest'? Derek Jeter.
+ Who is the cutest? see above
+ Who laughs the most? Melissa, by far.
+ Who have you known the longest? All my BCDSers, Marissa
+ Who have you known the shortest? Lindzay
+ Who do you miss the most? BCDS crew
+ Who do you turn to for personal problems? Whoever wants to listen to me talk forever
+ Do you only hang out with a certain type? No
+ Do you belong to a crew? do I?
+ Do you hang out with the opposite sex? HaHa, if you know me, you should know the answer to this question. Yeah. Too Much.
+ Do you consider yourself POPULAR? I'm not exactly in a school where I know ANYONE at the moment...
+ Do you trust your friends? Most of em
+ Are you a good friend? I hope so, I try...
+ Can you keep a secret? Yes.
the last person you...
+ Hugged? Jesse
+ Kissed? no one. ever.
+ Gave props? Umm no idea
+ Talked to on the phone? Couzin Matt..soo lucky.
+ Yelled at? Doug
+ Checked out? wow..um i dunno
+ Fell in love with? Never have.
+ Tripped On? Ruby and Rachel haha
+ What do you want to be when you grow up? Sports Agent, baby.
+ What was the worst day of your life? I've had a lot.
+ What is your most embarrassing story? No clue
+ What has been the best day of your life? I honestly have no clue
+ What comes first in your life? My friends, family, and the Yankees.
+ Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? a crush i'm sure.
+Turn ons? Smart, common sense, likes me for me, hott, kind, likes the Yankees, has same intrests as me, is interested in my life and hobbies, someone i can trust, someone who has faith in me, have to see my point and not make me upset..you get the jist.
+Turn offs? Insensitivity, Selfishness, Rudeness, Obnoxious, Bossy, Small-minded...etc.
+ If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them? The back of my head i guess...
+ What do you usually think about before you go to bed? If I like someone, usually that person. Otherwise I think about what I'm doing the next day or an upcoming event that is making me really stressed out.
+ Did you lose someone you really loved? Yes, my grandparents.
+ How many times have you fallen deeply in love? Never.
+ Love your family? Yes
+ Love your friends? Of course
+ Have you fought? duh
+ What are you addicted to? At the moment? The Yankees, Skating, being with friends, and reading (i'm such a nerd!).
+ Want to move? Not at ALL.
+ Movie: all HARRY POTTERS, Supersize Me, Catch Me if You Can, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days just to name a few.
+ Song: right now? She Will be loved - Maroon 5, It's all Downhill From Here - New Found Glory, and Vindicated - Dashboard Confessionals
+ Group: none
+ Singer: none
+ Store: OMG like every place!
+ Relative: Ben Stiller. haha just kidding M & G...you guys are my fave!
+ Sport: Skating.
+ Vacation Spot: ISRAEL
+ Ice Cream Flavor: cookie dough
+ Fruit: raspberries and strawberries
+ Candy: gummy worms, anything sour, anything chocolate.
+ Food: Indian, Sushi, PIZZA
+ Car: I want a light blue volvo convertible
+ Class: Haven't exactly experienced any yet
+ Holiday: Pesach and Chanukah
+ Day of the Week: Friday afternoon and Saturday
+ Color: BRIGHT green and pink
+ Magazine: US WEEKLY
+ Name for a Girl: Riley, so not Jewish but i love it..
+ Name for a Boy: no idea
+ Favorite spot for a date: beach..then again, i wouldn't know
+ Favorite spot for an anniversary: ...
+ Favorite resturant: Matsu Sushi, Bombay
+ McDonalds: After seeing Supersize me...GROSS!
+ Burger King: YUCK
+ In and Out: WTF
+ Wendy's: no way
+ Quote: “The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. Got that?" --That was supossed to appear in the yearbook, but we all know how much of an airhead Mrs. Broza is.
do you...
+ Like to give hugs? YES
+ Like to give kisses? I wouldn't know
+ Like to walk in the rain? YESSS
+ Prefer black or blue pens? Black
+ Dress up on Halloween? THATS THE FUN!
+ Have a job? Yup.
+ Like to travel? YEAH!
+ Like someone? umm didn't we go over this?
+ Sleep on your side, tummy or back? both
+ Think you're attractive? not really
+ Want to get married? Totally, but you have to be a cute Jewish boy ;)
+ Have a goldfish? nope
+ Ever have the falling dream? Yes
+ Have stuffed animals? only like a zillion
+ Go on vacation? Yup!
wat do you think about...
+ Abortion: should be legal
+ Bill Clinton: lets just put it this way: I'm Glad he's not president anymore
+ Smoking: if you really want to kill yourself go ahead...
+ Suicide: Sucks
+ Summer: LOVE IT!
+ Tattoos: Are Stupid..unless you want to be 75 with a big ugly thing on your back (or wherever)
+ Piercing: only ears, and no more than 3 on each
+ Make-up: I wear it...it's fun to spend money on
this or that...
+ Pierced nose or tongue? How about not.
+ Single or taken? SINGLE BABAY!
+ MTV or BET? EPSN lol
+ 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? yuck, but if i had to pick, 7th heaven
+ Sugar or salt? depends on what..both i guess
+ Silver or gold? both
+ Chocolate or flowers? chocolate
+ Color or Black-and-white photos? depends
+ M&M's or Skittles? M&M’s
+ Stay up late or sleep in? One results in the other...
+ Hot or cold? HOT
+ Sun or moon? Both, but the moon is just sooo romantic..haha
+ Left or Right? Right
+ 10 Acquaintances or one best friend? Best Friend
+ Mustard or ketchup? ketchup
+ Spring or Fall? spring
+ Give or receive? both
+ Happy or sad? happy
+ Wonder or amazement? amazement
+ McDonald's or Burger King? YUCK
+ Mexican or Italian food? Both
+ Lights on or off? Off
+ Candy or soda? candy
+ Pepsi or Coke? no preference...right now? Pepsi
+LAST WORDS? Rock On :-P