I <3 her new cd...
me: Mom we don't need another black pet..we already have a black pet
tdog: ...and it looks like ur gonna get a black boyfriend too
me: shut up
tdog: you are turning chocolate urself
The beach was fun I just chilled for alot of the time and fought drowning in the waves haha
thank god i snuck the cell phone i would have gone crazy from boredom at night.
In other news: I've had some crazy thoughts running through my head these past days. I've given him so many chances and I don't want to be the fool again..but theres somthing about that smile that makes me feel all warm inside. I'm so naive sometimes. I just wish everything would go bak to simpler times...like when boys had cooties that would be good haha. ah man. and by the way I don't regret you ,I was just upset.
now that I got that off my chest here are some pics of yesterday at the beach..hahah
hahah i almost died on those rocks. but its all worth it for a picture i guess.im a nerd.