Ah... haha?

Oct 20, 2009 19:21

So about that computer thing? Totally vanished the same day I posted about the weird sounds. So uh. Yeah. At least I know what to check for if it comes back I guess?

Getting back into iAnti-Virus for I am a weak, weak soul. Hopefully I'll be able to get Solinari (why yes I am a namethief but there's a totally cool IC reason for that I swear) approved fer reals this time. Also get her voice. Which means using more formal speech patterns but still sticking in random TV Tropes/video game/geek references. OH BOY THIS SOUNDS LIKE FUN ALREADY 8D

Still miss Niche though. Sob why must it be OOC for you to return to the game.

Oh, and. Um. Any of you guys familiar with the Filipino début tradition? Because I was. Totally invited to be part of my friend's début court. Which means I get to attend a crapton of rehearsals in order to learn the fine art of ballroom dancing and where a fancy pants dress at some point in April and oh god how am I even going to sldkfj;lasdfj

Still, Allan will also be part of her court, and we'll be dance partners, which will be interesting. Especially since this gives him something to tease me back about, since he's the one who knows more about ballroom dancing whereas I know barely anything. Hmm... Maybe this will come in handy for Double Arts cosplay...

So it turns out that we're getting another English project come Thursday. Someone please shoot me now. Especially since we just finish our college apps assignment on that day. Is it really impossible for us to go, I don't know, a week without an English project anymore? D8

début, school, rp, ianti-virus

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