I saw your entry on knowyoulive and wanted to comment but saw they didn't accept annonymous posts and just figured I'd do it here since I still wanted to. I just want you to know that I think you are being very brave for trying your hardest not to give in to urges to hurt yourself. I have been in the same situtation in the past and got out of feeling depressed and hurting myself, so I have faith that you can too because it's what you want and are working for. Congrats on your one month mark, I really do hope that you keep it up. I know that I'm just some unknown on the web, but I just wanted to let you know that someone out there has been where you are and made it out, and that someone out there cares and wants you to succede in getting better. We don't know each other, but I do know that every single person has something good about them, and every one should be able to live to find their own happiness in life, and you are no different. I know it may not mean a whole lot, but I'm putting all this out there just in case that tiny bit of encouragement may help you one day and make things the smallest bit easier to helping you get better. I wish you all the best.
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