Minna sama konichiwa! And now to continue about the first official day of Otakon. But so much happened those 3 days that it would give me a headache to recall EVERYTHING! And so, just the random shiny-happy moments that stuck out the most each day. Starting with Friday.
~Tainted Reality/Jrock Meetup~
In the evening, before the rave, there was a Tainted Reality meetup on the newly renovated 3rd floor terrace. But before that, a Jrock cosplay meetup. In all, there were 3 Jasmine You’s (Bianca, one who cosplayed his AatP dress, and Lady Solo too!), a Noble Hizaki, 3 Kayas (dark chocolat and 2 Node of Scherzo brides, one was dressed in a black variation of that outfit and twinning with the white one. It was so kawaii!), and also 3 Manas. I’m kinda sad that my costume was not done and won’t be ready until AUSA but it’s okay. I accompanied Bianca there for moral support and to take many pictures. She is so pretty in her costume and very photogenic. She makes a lovely Jasmine! :-)
The Tainted Reality meetup was later and I changed into my rave outfit so I could go off to there as soon as it was over. Decked in red and black, Tori also came with us and Camille too. They went around with a mic and video camera and asked people questions. Tori decided to be cute and pushed me toward Roger and the camera! ;>_< She joined me though for moral support, the LEAST she could do! XD But I was so nervous that when we were introduced, I FORGOT to use my penname, and Roger looked at me and was like “Jasmine? Your name is Jasmine?”” Then he smiled, patted my back and said “I knew a great guy named Jasmine once, you know.” I smiled and nodded.
Even though I was SUPPOSED to be the main interviewee, it seemed like Tori got the most camera time! Apparently Gackt is a hit or miss with Roger and Tori is the biggest fangirl I know. She spent most of the time trying to convince him why Gackt is so frikkin awesome. Which kinda sucked cause I wanted to ask him why he let Kiwamu take over his show and make it a fucking peepshow with GPK and Selien that one time! It made me giggle though! X-D
~I Remembered so ha!~
Nearly a year later, I’m still angry with myself for flubbing all my learned Japanese when I met Kaya-san. So I was even more determined not to screw up this time. When me and Biance went to the dealers room, the first booth we checked out was h.Naoto’s booth.
He was there signing stuff and taking pics with the con goers. Bianca was kind enough to buy me a m photobook to get signed and a bag for herself. Apparently she had went to his events at this past A-Kon and he remembered her and was pointing and saying something I didn’t quite understand (I think he was complimenting her on her costume). Even so, his assistant asked us to pose in a picture with him, which we did. The picture is now on his blog.
This was before we got autographs or got to talk to him so I ended up getting starstruck again! ;;>_< He is just such a cool designer and I love his FRILL and h.jelly line. I could not help but get starstruck! Bianca got her stuff signed first and then got a hug from him before it was my turn. And then, at the very, VERY last minute, a phrase popped into my head. “Yoroushiku negai shimasu, Naoto sama.” (I THINK that is the correct spelling) He smiled, nodded, and replied “Hai, yoroushiku negai shimasu.” And then he shook my hand and hugged me. <3 I said “Arigatou” and went off. I am so pleased with myself that I was able to remember something to say, even if it was something small. So I immediately called mom and bragged about it. She has been teasing me, saying that I would forget all my Japanese again like when I met Kaya. But I didn’t, so there! >:-D
I would later find out though that h.Naoto-sama actually speaks very good English! XD We would visit his booth and get more stuff throughout the course of the weekend but I will write more about that later.
~Shitlist No More! Only 3 Months to Go…~
Before last year, AUSA was on my “convention shitlist” for the LONGEST time. Not anymore! We decided to pay a visit to their booth so I could say hello to Megaphone Man and thank him and his staffers for such a frikkin awesome time last year! He was on break but a lady was there and showed me the headlining band for this year. I am beginning to like them more and more and I don’t really mind the vocalists’ criminal record anymore. I don’t feel much of a emotional connection to them which is why he is so easily forgiven I guess.
Roger was there also, DJ Takuya Angel will be DJ-ing at AUSA this year presented by Tainted Reality!!! Though I will always adore Selien the best, I think he is awesome too! And besides, I’ve already met Sisen (I need to meet Selia though!). But this is not the ONLY reason I am so especially excited about AUSA this year. There is another.
A doushinji dealer across from us screamed out “YAOI!!!! WE GOT YAOI!!!!” and then my fanagirl instincts kicked in and I went over there! XD When I returned back from the yaoi booth, we went back to the AUSA booth for a moment, to be treated to a very nice, and sexy surprise: two very handsome, kakoii looking Asian guys in sexy black suits sitting with the lady. They were very sweet to us and liked our outfits. They, and 18 others are a part of the AUSA 18+ host club. Nothing like Ouran! But I did not go last year because it clashed with all the Kaya-related events at the same time. If I had known that they would be so sweet and sexy I would have made more of an effort to go! XD
Later I took Tori to the booth so she could meet them too. They were especially sweet to Tori and she kept being flirtatious with one in particular and vice versa! Since she could not go last year, she decided that she MUST go to AUSA now so she can see them again. This makes me happy since we rarely go to out of state cons together anymore. The last was Anime Matsuri last year. I can hardly wait for AUSA now! Only 3 months to go…
~Fangirls of the Round Table/Virgin Sacrifice my ass!~
There was SUPPOSED to be a panel about host clubs after the Tainted Reality meetup but it was cancelled. Booooo! ;>_< There was still some time before the rave began so me, Tori, Bianca, and Camille found an abandoned round table with some seats, sat down, and talked some more. We joked around and began plotting our adventures for AUSA.
I will admit it; I have something of a crush on Yoshiki-sama from X Japan. Although not as much as some other bands, I’ve always liked their music ever since getting into Jrock back when I was about 15. In the past few weeks I’ve been rekindling my love for them. Yoshiki is my favorite member, I really admire him and I think he plays piano like no other. And it also helps that even though he is soon going on 45 and is still beautifully sexy! (I wonder if Kamijo will age as beautifully.) I amour him! All weekend long Bianca was getting on me about it! Teasing me and saying how she would try to get me with him, offering myself to him as a virgin sacrifice! WTF IS SHE ON?!?! X,-D I love him, yes, think he is sexy, absolutely, but he is old enough to be my father! That’s one of the reasons I’m not as attracted to Gackt as I could be, even though… well… Gackt is a special case. Lol And besides, Kamijo will always be MY prince! XD
It sucks though that Angela could not come. She is too young for raves, according to mom, and she’s been away at camp for most of the summer anyway. I can’t wait for her to come back! In any case, soon enough it was time for the rave. It was so much fun! I had missed Kanon’s Q&A so when I saw him at the rave, I was sooooooo nyappy! ^_^
~Some more random things that happened Friday~
- IDK why but even though her outfit is not quite as accurate as Lady Solo’s, I think Bianca really does shine in her cosplay. Something about her essence or the way she carries herself in it just makes her look so stunning and so…. so… Jasmine-like! Recently my Jasmine You cosplayer for my Node of Scherzo group also had to drop out due to financial strain, (so now it’s only me and Hizaki but I think I might just cancel it all since so many had to drop out ;>_<) I think I will ask her to replace him!
- We got some professional pictures taken of us. Also for some reason many other photographers asked me to pose with her in pictures. I guess those who did not know Versailles thought that our outfits were related. It’s cool though cause some of the pictures we got were very lovely. <3
- For his set at the rave, Kanon-kun spun remixes of various anime themes and some An Café ones too! :-D
- What the hell is THAT?! >_<
- This will be the LAST con that I wear my Hot Topic Versailles t-shirt to. There was a Tainted Reality meetup in the evening and afterward the rave. I chose this shirt because it matched my outfit nicely (a red and black pettiskirt with patterned tights, red Dorothy-style sparkly ballet flats and a rose in my hair.) but there were 17 other people (that I counted) walking around in the evening with the SAME shirt as me! (and some even on Saturday!) Two of which were ALSO at the meetup! >_< Roger and a cameraman were also wearing Versailles shirts but theirs were different. (I want Rogers! It looks so cool!) I think next time I will wear my fragments collection/last indies tour shirt or maybe even my method of inheritance one. Nothing wrong with everyone having the same shirt but I like standing out and Hot Topic is everywhere
- Tori and Kanon were dresses in the EXACE Ciel outfit on Friday! And we had a great FRONT spot at the rave and I swear he looked over at us and her outfit from time to time! XD
- What the hell is THAT?! AGAIN?! o_O
- For some reason, I pictured Roger to be… IDK… shorter? LOL He is actually very tall IRL. I had to look up at him when we first talked and I didn’t like that (I’m used to being the tallest out of all my friends), he’s a giant so imagine how poor Tori chan felt, she goes up only to his waist! ;;>_<
- The asshole taxi driver who drove us back on Friday night was trying to kill us! Usually it costs about $5 to get from the BCC to the hotel but it was $10 because his dumbass got lost. And he kept driving so fast and blasting this crude hip hop, I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA DIE! And I actually had Tori’s walking stick in hand just in case he tried to pull some stupid shit on us if you know what I mean… ;;>_< But we got back safely, thank God.
Okay that is all for Friday! Stay tuned for Saturday! ^_^
My dress on Friday, a cross between hime gyaru and classical summer lolita. Sorry I don't have a pic of my Versailles rave outfit, I forgot to take one! >_<
Bianca and Hizaki-san! ^_^
Aren't they kawaii??
isalicefantasy , this is for u! ^_^