"I will dance before the lightning to music sacred and profane."

Jul 23, 2010 13:17

So I'm seriously starting to think about how I'm going to handle the next year. So far, my class schedule for the upcoming semester is almost a dream come true, the only thing it's missing is a show. Why? Because instead of doing the semester musical (which is looking like it might be The Wedding Singer) I'm taking an environmental biology class to clear my last four science credits out of the way. And the reason I swapped it around was so I could finally do SRO, aka show choir/musical theater scenes (kind of a mix of the two). My tentative song list for musical comedy Broadway solos makes me deliriously happy and I'm seriously hoping Sue Anne will let me do most of them.

The best part of all? Two theater classes! Finally! Voice & Diction and Acting for Film and TV (which is going to be a semester of me thinking "didn't Neal say it was obvious I'm much more comfortable on stage when I was at SFT?").

And I'm hopefully going to audition for a local production of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels in a few weeks (asfijhsafsfdj OMGOMGOMG FREAKING OUT BECAUSE AHHHH DRS!).

And basically all of this is building up to me (hopefully) starting school auditions next semester so I can finally get out of Arid-zona.

And going to LA like a bajillion times, since most auditions seem to happen there. (And Gally. And seeing Next to Normal with Alice Ripley as Diana. And Rent: the Epic Clusterfuck Edition.)

college, always will be a theater kid, performance dorkery, mcc owns my soul, the city of angels

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