Havemercy hits shelves next Tuesday, for those of you who are interested in giant metal dragons and magicians who blow things up.
To celebrate, here's a video of our amazing cover artist Stephen Youll talking about various covers he's illustrated. The Havemercy section starts at 1:57.
Click to view
Am telling everyone I know. Maybe I'll tell old Borders co-workers to advertise the hell out of your book. And a friend who is at B&N right now =D
YAY! I'm so happy for you guys! Your hard work is paying off!
Daisy is excited for you too =)
Er, in other news YAY! Helpful friends in promotional places, I so totally approve. :D
YOU NEED TO SEE DIASY IN GETTIN' SQUARE! You can watch it on Instant Watch on Netflix. If you don't have it, let me know. I need to show a fellow Daisy fan because they would appreciate it soooooooooooooo much. He is GENIUS! Genius I tell you!
I'm soooo going to hobble into the next bookstore and be all snotty and say "I totally know one of the authors of that book. I also know both of them are awesome and she makes the bestest Tseng evar. EVAR!"
Just thought I'd pass that along =D
I'm still sort of new at the whole thing. :/ HELP ME
You got the hang of it, you're doing awesome. I love the yukatas. I'm just a huge sucker for anything I can customize, I think. So this is just... not a good moment for me XD It's just fun because in real life I would not have the funds or guts to wear half the stuff on there!
Daisy says howdy =D
That way I can threaten my friends to read it even more readily with a copy in hand. "READ THIS! REEEAAAADDDD THHHIIISSSS!!!!"
I am also excited for you two that the book is getting rave reviews everywhere! Whee!
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