Apr 19, 2008 16:07

I am super tired after two days of New York Comic Con. Yesterday's panel, Women in SF & Fantasy with Naomi Novik and Anne Groell (our fabulous editor) went very well. A lot of people turned up, and everyone seemed really interested in asking us questions, which is always nice! I am so too tired to be making this post right now, but it seemed like a good idea at the time SO here we are.

Like I said, Friday was our panel, which went really well. Naomi Novik was kind enough to take over moderating, and people asked us lots of questions about co-writing and female characters (ours are dragons) and homosexuality in fantasy, which as you can imagine, I could talk about for hours. It was really wonderful, and I met a lot of cool people.

Saturday (today) we signed advance copies of Havemercy until we ran out. They went surprisingly quickly! I wasn't sure if anyone was going to show up but then people started lining up shortly after Jaida and I had arrived so we chatted with them some while Anne set up our space for signing. I REALLY hope that everyone likes the book.

After signing I dragged Jaida down to the Square-Enix booth so that we could both buy SOLDIER 1st Class keychains. Then we also bought keyblade necklaces. Then I bought Sora's necklace and THEN Jaida had to drag me away before I embarrassed myself forever holding fistfuls of jewelery and cackling like a crazy person.


Hell. Yes.

Jaida being fabulous looking fabulous she is fabulous.

They made a poster of our book. A POSTER. I wanted to steal it but felt it might be in poor taste to do so.

Signing signing. Well, actually, brief repose from signing. The crazed look in my eyes is giddiness mixed with total exhaustion. :D

The event board at the Bantam Spectra booth.

A slightly blurry picture of our book poster next to ~other~ book posters.

Jaida and the wonderful mysticshell

Havemercy, keeping some really fabulous company.

Delirium sets in. Wheeee!

SOLDIER, 1st Class. Thanks for finally making something affordable, ridiculously expensive S-E store.
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