Dec 07, 2005 11:08
That was intresting. Today is, rather. As each class passes the day gets worse, or maybe not, but my grades do, ay. Math...just got a test back. One I took yesterday, got a wonderful 75% on it. Grade in the class is a B+ now, ay. Bio, test back also. 52%. Oops. Class grade is probably a B now, 'twas an A, but after that test um yeah not quite so sure now. Then, to top it off. We have homeroom now (where I am, actually) but I applied to do an Independent Study, for webdesign, because it's easy and fun and yeah. More credits. That and when I go to take classes at UWL next year, youth options classes, it'd be nice if I had completed all of the webdesign classes the high school had to offer so I could take more advanced ones down there. My high school has two; I took one as an independent study before, I'm not quite sure when, maybe the summer between freshman & sophmore year? Well, I applied to do one this year, for this term. Never heard anything back about it; the people who had to approve it were Dr. K, my homeroom teacher (and also the webdesign teacher, quite convient, actually), Mrs. Shepard, my guidance teacher, and then the principle. I gave it to Mrs. Shepard like maybe a week before the start of the term and never heard anything back about it. And I get to class today, and Dr. K tells me midterms are due today and I've done nothing, and therefore have a zero. Lovely, just what I needed.
Though, we've got it worked out now, I guess. But really I talk to all three of those people at least once every week or two...and no one felt the need to tell me it was approved? I mean I should have asked, yes, but still. Meh. Now I have to make a website for the choir department, 15 pages, though I have to use frontpage so that rather sucks. But bascially that's it, and I'll get credit for it and such so that's happy. So I'm getting off easy, and he said he'd mark down that I'm passing for midterms, heh, which is kind of funny. But I'm glad or my mom would kill me, hmm. And it's also kind of weird that I get to be on the computers but I'm not complaining, yay!
Hopefully today gets better though I don't see why it wouldn't--Spanish next, with three of my best girlfriends, yay, and then Alex is picking me up from school so I get to spend time with him tonight too, that's always good <3