Oct 14, 2005 13:35
well nothing really has been going on! me and eric went to my homecoming...it was fun...me and him are both working alot so we dont really do anything other than sit at his house!! the fair is coming up! im so happy! me and jaime love the fair!! me and eric and jaime went to bayfest....it was fun!! i got my halloween costume...its like a skanky verson of dorothy from the wizard of Oz...its so cute...well this morning i left eric`s and jaime took me home and now im hanging with the fam...his gparents are coming in town so i dont know what me and him are doing...we might go to gulf shores with jaime...dunno tho...i have to work 5-10......cashier at bruno`s hell yeah lol! well im going to burn cd`s.....<3/DaNi
-DaNi LuVs eRiC-