(no subject)

Aug 15, 2010 19:08

The sun was already up above in the sky. It’s shining not too bright and not too dim either. It’s a perfect day to go out and doing outdoor activities. Except for Kibum who is still in his deep sleep. He was not planning to wake up until his phone starting to vibrate under his pillow. He grabbed his phone and looking at the caller ID, it shown Onew, his boyfriend.


“MORNING YOUR HIGHNESS! Have you wake up yet?”Jinki’s loud voice was shocking Kibum. Thanks to that, now Kibum is wide awake.

“Yah, Lee Jinki. You don’t need to be THAT loud. I’m not deaf.”Kibum feeling a little bit irritated now.

“Sorry, Key. I’m just too excited because of today’s planning.”

“Hmm? Today’s planning?”Kibum asked innocently, pretending not knowing anything.

“What? Key, it’s your birthday today. We planned to go out and spend some time together, remember?”judging from his voice, Kibum knew that Jinki is pouting now.

“Hehe, I’m just joking, Onew. How can I forget my own birthday?”Kibum giggled and rose up from his bed.

“Ok then, I’ll pick you up in front of your apartment around 11. I have some rehearsal for graduation next week, but it’s not gonna be long.”Jinki is staring to his watch that shown it is 07.26 now. His rehearsal is going to start in a few minutes. He was already waiting in the college’s ballroom since a half hour ago.

“You’re not gonna pick up Taemin?”Key asked. Usually Jinki will drive and then pick up Taemin, his little brother, in the high school.

“Key, it’s Sunday now. He didn’t go to school on Sunday. And that’s why you didn’t have any class today too, right?”Jinki chuckled hearing his boyfriends question,”You’re still not awake, aren’t you?”

“Oh, right. Maybe I need a bath first to gather all my head.”

“Then get ready. I’ll pick you up lat-Oh the professor is already in here. I need to go. See you later, Key.”

“Don’t be late.”

“Yes, your highness.”and Jinki hung up the phone.

Kibum put down his phone on the desk and grabbed the towel that hanging outside the bathroom.  He took a long and nice bath. He even started to sing some random songs. After that he went out and opened his closet, looking through some pile of his shirt and pants. He grabbed a black T-shirt with some simple print on it and a black skinny jean. He wore it and went to a big mirror that standing beside his closet.

‘hmm……it’s too simple’Kibum frowned while looking at his refection in the mirror. Not satisfied with his clothes, he went back to his closet and grabbed a black jacket with some white strips on it. He also wore a necklace with a key pendant. Checking his looking in the mirror once again and he smiled satisfied with it.

‘perfect’ (http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z168/aarjeeii/shinee/key/ki4.jpg).

The key necklace, it was his birthday gift from Jinki last year. Jinki brought him to watch a movie. And then they went to Namsan tower. They played fireworks, hanged a couple lock, and lastly they had a dinner on a café. It was a simple date. But when Jinki drove Kibum back, in front of his apartment,


“A key necklace?”

“Yup! Just like your name, right? Here, let me help you to wear it.”Jinki said while wrapping his arms around Kibum’s neck and clasping the necklace.

“There!”he looked at Kibum and admiring the necklace which fit perfectly with his boyfriend’s slender neck,”beautiful.”

“Yup, it’s very beautiful. Thank y-“Kibum’s words were cut when Jinki suddenly press his lips against Kibum’s.The kiss was not rough, it was sweet and slow.

Kibum kissed him back and wrapped his arms around Jinki. Knowing Kibum kissed him back, he put his arm behind Kibum’s neck and back and pulled him closer. The kiss went deeper as Jinki licking Kibum’s lower lip, asking for entrance. Kibum opened his mouth a bit and Jinki started to explore it with his tongue. Actually, Kibum wanted to dominate his boyfriend once in a while. But when Kibum felt Jinki’s hand slipping under his shirt and caressing his bare back, he melted in his touch and retreat willingly, letting Jinki in control.  Jinki was smirking when he heard his boyfriend moaned lightly.

“No. I mean it’s you who are beautiful, Key. More than the necklace.”Jinki  step back and caressing Kibum’s blushed cheek.

“Ah you’re so cheesy, Onew.”

“But you like it, right? Well it’s getting late, go in.”

“Alright. Good night, Onew.”Kibum pecked Jinki’s lips and went to his room. Jinki will keep stay there until he can’t see Kibum’s figure again before he turned back and went home.

~~end flash back~~

After he arranged his light brown hair, Kibum went to the kitchen and started to make a breakfast for himself. While cooking, he can’t help wondering where Jinki will bring him now. Judging from Jinki’s personality, maybe they will go to an amusement park.

Kibum finished with his simple dish when his phone ringing again. This time it’s from Jonghyun, Jinki’s and his friend in college. Jonghyun is in his 3rd year in college, he is Kibum’s  senior. They are in the same major, broadcasting while Jinki took Business.


“Hey, happy birthday, Kibum!”

“Oh, thank you, Jonghyun hyung. Wait, that reminds me that Onew haven’t congratulate me.”Kibum put down his dishes on the dining table and feeling a little irritated,”Aish, he called me before but didn’t say anything to congratulate me.”

“Haha, don’t worry. You’ll go with him this afternoon right?”

“Hyung, how do you know?”asked kibum.

“I met Jinki hyung a few minutes ago. I came to the college to congratulate his graduation. But instead of talking about it, he talked about your birthday and his plan to spend the entire day with you.”

“Geez, he is able to tell you his plan but not even a simple ‘happy birthday’ to me?”

“Haha, I’m sure you will enjoy this day until the end. Anyway, congratulation once again Kibum, and I’ll give you my present later.”

“Thanks, hyung. And I’ll be waiting for your present.”after a simple laugh Jonghyun hung up the phone. Kibum is now back to his work, placing all the dish in the plate and bring it to the dining table.

Just when Kibum is about to sit down to enjoy his breakfast, the phone is ringing again. It’s from Taemin, Jinki’s little brother. Taemin is like a little brother to Kibum, maybe even more than that. Like a son? Kibum can’t help watching his cuteness. Jinki’s and Taemin’s smile are really similar, but Taemin’s smile is full with innocence and pure aura. Well, it’s not like Jinki is not pure too. Kibum remembered when he first met the siblings. Jinki was so friendly from the start, but Taemin was a little shy around Kibum. And now, Taemin already saw Kibum like his own brother while Jinki, well he never change.

“Hi, Taem.”

“Hyung, happy birthday!”Taemin’s voice is dripping with aegyo.

“Thank you.”

“Hyung, I’m sorry I didn’t prepare any gift for you. But I will buy you something later.”

“Aigo, you shouldn’t to, Taemin-ah. At least you remember to say ‘happy birthday’ to me. Not like your brother.”

“He prepared something for you, hyung. You’ll not be disappointed.”Taemin chuckled hearing Kibum’s irritated voice.

“Something? What did he prepare, Taemin?”

“I can’t tell you, hyung. Jinki hyung already prepared this from……………4 months ago, I think.”

“4 months ago? What did he prepare?”Kibum starting to think any present that possibly need much time to prepare it,”Oh, come on Taemin-ah, just tell me. I won’t tell Onew.”

“I can’t. I will ruin hyung’s present for you, hyung. Just be patient.”

“Ok. I guess I have to wait for Onew to hand it to me himself.”Kibum sighed disappointed.

“Yup. Ah, I need to go, hyung. I’ll be late with my dance class. See you.”

“Yeah, see you later, Taem”Kibum hung up the phone. Taemin really like to dance since he was in middle school. Even now he is in high school and almost graduate, he planned to continue it in college. He will take performance and arts as his major.

Kibum put down the phone beside him and starting to eat his breakfast. After he done with all of his food, he washed the plates and glancing at the clock.

‘it’s still 9 o’clock. Guess I will do something to kill some time.’Kibum thought.

He sat down in the living room and turning on the television, watching anything that he can watch. He was not really interesting. He just watched a little news about Choi company was doing something, DBSK Asia tour is starting on next month, polices caught some gang’s fights, and many other things. But he didn’t care about it, he kept glancing to the clock.

“Gosh, 2 hours seems like forever.”

~~2 hours later~~

Kibum waited for Jinki in front of his apartment with hands folded on his chest. Everytime winds blowing his hair he will quickly fix it again. For him, good appearance is a must. Especially when he will meet Jinki. Not long after that, exactly on 11, Jinki’s black Audi car show up. The car stopped right in front of Kibum. Jinki came out from the car with wide smile on his face. But Kibum’s attention was distracted to Jinki’s sleeveless gray shirt and black (sleeveless again) vest (http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/8915/onew1weareshining.jpg). He realized that Jinki’s arms are starting to get some muscles. His work out together with Jonghyun is starting to show the result.

“Like what you see?”Jinki grinned seeing his boyfriend keep staring at his arms.

“What? What do you think I am? A pervert? I just saw your plain shirt not your arms.”

“I didn’t ask whether you saw my arms or not, Key”

“Whatever. Where’s my ‘Happy birthday, Key’?”Kibum started to distract the topic.

“Happy birthday, Key”Jinki hugged Kibum and kissed his forehead,”Shall we go now?”


“You will see. Come on!”Jinki escorted Kibum to the passenger’s seat, closing the door for him, and he ran back to the driver’s seat. But………

“Ah!”Jinki rubbed his head because he bumped it on the roof’s car when he went in. Kibum can only shake his head watching his boyfriend’s clumsy habit.

“Ok, first destination, CINEMA!!”Jinki started to drove his car to wherever he wants. Kibum wondering what is the meaning of ‘first destination’. Well, it’s Jinki we’re talking about. Kibum knew that Jinki can be very sweet, romantic, and cute. But sometime he can also be dorky, cheesy, and clumsy.

They arrived in the cinema just right on time when the movie is starting to play. They watched Avatar. Many couples watched that too.  Jinki bought a bucket of popcorn and two sodas. While they watch the movie, Jinki’s hand suddenly snuck up and held Kibum’s hand. They glad the cinema is very dark and everyone is so focused on the movie. Kibum held Jinki back and leaning a little to Jinki’s shoulder. Even though the movie is not long, but they enjoy leaning on each other.

“Hmm….it’s lunch time already. What do you want to eat?”Jinki asked Kibum when they went out from the cinema still holding hands.

“I don’t know. What do you want, Onew?”

“Let’s get chicken!”Jinki is so excited.

“Sigh, you never change. Ok, fine. Let’s go.”Kibum smiled after hearing ‘chicken’ words came out for the hundreds or thousands times from Jinki’s mouth. His boyfriend is a chicken maniac.

Jinki smiled and quickly dragged Kibum to a fast food restaurant. He ordered 3 chickens, rice and a coke. Kibum just ordered a cheese burger and lemon tea. He didn’t worry about Jinki’s unhealthy food. He knew that Jinki likes to work out in a gym.

“How’s the rehearsal?”Kibum asked while sipping his lemon tea.

“Oh, it went well. I should prepare a speech as the student representative though, kinda troublesome.”

“What? The student representative is the student who has the highest grade, right?”Kibum’s eyed Jinki not believing,”That means, you got the highest grade this year?”

“Yup. I made it. All my hard work is not futile. Oh by the way, I met Jonghyun too. He will graduate next year, right?”

“Yeah, Jonghyun hyung called me this morning. He is the first person that said ‘Happy birthday’ to me.”Kibum brought up that problem again.

“Oh come on, Key. It’s not like I forgot about your birthday, right? I promise you will enjoy and remember this day for your entire life.”Jinki grinned.

“Fine, then. If you can make me happy, I’ll forgive you.”Kibum drank all of his lemon tea and wiping his mouth with tissue.

“Ok. You’re done? Come on, let’s go to our second destination.”Jinki held Kibum’s hand again and went to his car that he parked on the basement. He drove to a nearby amusement park.

“Jinki, tell me how long have you been my boyfriend?”Kibum asked while staring at the rollercoaster and all the scary rides that will pump their adrenaline.

“Since you were 2nd grade in high school and I was a 1st year student in college, so that makes 3 years.”

“Then you must be already knew that I CAN’T RIDE THOSE THINGS!! Why did you brought me here?!”Kibum’s loud voice made all the amusement park’s visitors around them shocked and looking at both of them.

“Ssh, I’m here. You can hold me if you’re afraid.”

“Huh, you’re so cheesy like usual.”

“But you like it, right? Let’s go. We don’t have to ride the scary one if you don’t want to.”Jinki (again) held Kibum’s hand and went in the amusement park. Slowly, Kibum’s smile is starting to grow wide. He knew that Jinki wanted to have fun with him. Well, maybe this is gonna be fun. At first it went well. They rode ferris wheel and carrousel. Kibum went into the mirror house and he was so happy seeing all his reflection everywhere. They also watched the parade.

“Key, let’s ride this one!”Jinki pointed to a big roller coaster ride.

“Yah! You said we don’t have to ride the scary one.”

“Oh you won’t die because riding this just once. Come on!”Jinki dragged Kibum to the front seat and putting on their safety bar,”You can hold my hand if you’re scared.”

“I HATE YOU LEE JINKIIII!!!”Kibum can only scream out loud when the ride start to move. But in the end, he held Jinki’s hand so tight.


A.N: Argh, Onkey moment in here seems so short. But I will have a nosebleed if I continue that. And it seems like I modified too much from my previous fic. Anyway, hope you readers (or silent readers) like it. And please DO comment. I need your love to live kekeke………

Ps: this story is in 3rd person POV. So I keep writing their real name (Jinki and Kibum). But they called each other Key and Onew because -whoops-. It will be revealed later. Hehe…

shinee, replacement, pairing: minkey, fanfic, yaoi

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