(no subject)

Dec 26, 2010 21:19

Only That Person

Title: Only That Person
Author: ontokki (me), muffiainen, mikimika101
Genre: Romance, Action                              
Pairing: Onew/Seungyeon, Jonghyun/IU
Rating: PG-15
Summary: Would my own family really kill me if I dated that guy? That killing thing, isn't it just an old legend?
Disclaimer: The character is not ours, just the plot.
A/N: This is an RP between me as Onew, muffiainen as Seungyeon, and mikimika101 as Jonghyun. There’s a possibility more people will join in this story ^^

Chapter 1

Is it really impossible? Would they really do that to me?
Seungyeon thought as she laid on the couch in her room.

She had just met a really interesting guy that evening. She had never met anyone she would've felt such a connection before, he was all she could think about now.

But there was a problem, that guy happened to be part of a family who were the worst enemies of her family.The guy was a part of Nang family while Seungyeon was a member of Dae family. The two families had been enemies for centuries and it was absolutely forbidden to date or marry someone from the other family.. the two families had agreed long ago what to do if something like that ever happened . The lovers would both lose their place in the families and they both had to be killed because of the honor of the families. The biggest shame to the families would be if two people from the different families would marry and have children because then the blood from the families would become mixed.. the hatred between the families was so deep.

Seungyeon sighed and stared at the ceiling. Would my own family really kill me if I dated that guy? That killing thing, isn't it just a old legend?

She remembered there had been a time her cousin had had a crush in one girl from the Nang family and he had been punished somehow from just having a simple crush but not worse than that because he never dated the girl.

Would my father really order to kill me? It's hard to believe.. she thought tapping her chin.

That guy was surely a member of Nang family.. the tattoo on his left hand it was so clear.. aish why must it be like this, just when I find someone I could possibly fall for it becomes like this!
she hit the couch frustrated and touched her ear slightly.

I hope that guy didn't notice anything..I don't think he noticed my hair was down..I don't want him to know who I am yet.. there was a small tattoo in her ear showing that she was a part of the Dae family.

Each member of the Nang family had a small tattoo in their hand and each member of the Dae family a tattoo in their ear. The whole big Dae family lived in one same huge household.

Suddenly her twin brothers Minhyuk and Minhwan walked in the room.
"NOONA! It's you turn to cook, get up!" Minhyuk yelled nudging Seungyeon.
"Yeah, noona you and Sunye noona have to cook today! I'm starving!" Minhwan whined.
"Ahh.. is it really my turn? Is it already thursday?" Seungyeon whined and got up to search her cousin Sunye to cook with.


Jonghyun stared at his friend, who was twirling his finger inside his drinking water.

"Yah!! Don't play with your drink!!" Jonghyun said knocking the boy back to reality.
"Huh? Oh!! Sorry!!" The boy said.
"What's going on now? Who's the girl?" Jonghyun asked, knowing his friend only was in a daze when thinking of girls.
"I met this really pretty girl. She's nice, smart and she's got the looks." The boy said.
"Well if you like her ask her out." Jonghyun boldly said.
"I can't." The boy frowned.
"Why not? Does she have a boyfriend?" Jonghyun asked.
The boy shook his head. "Worse. She's... part of the Dae family."

Jonghyun's eyes widened. It was silent for a moment.

"You're... I... You... I don't know what to say. Ju-Ju-Just give up on her. I know you don't want to die and I don't want to lose a friend. I-I-I don't want you to end up like Heechul, he fell in love with that Dae girl and look where he is. He's dead." Jonghyun said harshly although it pained him to tell his friend not to do something that would hurt his friend's heart.

The boys stayed silent for a while. They both knew of the deathly consequences for being associated with the Dae family.


Sunye and Seungyeon sat by the long table waiting for the judgement of their cookings from the whole big family.
"How is it?" Sunye asked all their aunts there.

Seungyeon's mom frowned as she munched the chicken the girls had made. "Something tastes strange.."
"I think so too.." one of their aunts said.
Seungyeon and Sunye looked at them disappointed. Seungyeon nudged Sunye.. "I thought this time they would've been satisfied with it.." she whispered. Sunye nodded.

"Girls.. I think it tastes delicious. I don't know why those women are always complaining.." their grandfather spoke up.
"Thank you." Seungyeon and Sunye smiled satisfied.

Seungyeon watched how all the men of the family ate their food with good appetite. If the men like it.. it means it's good. Seungyeon chuckled.

"Seungyeon, where were you all evening?" Yunho her cousin asked looking firmly at Seungyeon. Yunho was really strict about family traditions and would right away tell if he found out Seungyeon dating a Nang family member.

"I... I was just hanging out with my friend.." Seungyeon said avoiding looking into his eyes.
"You weren't with a guy were you?" Yunho frowned.
"No.. just some old friends from school..." Seungyeon lied and played with her food.

"You obviously met a guy? Who is he?" her other cousin Yesung grinned at her.
"Wahh.. really noona.. do you have a boyfriend?" Minhwan asked.

Seungyeon didn't say anything and finished eating quickly.
She bowed slightly to the elderly. "I will go and sleep already. Good Night."

This family is driving me crazy.. she shook her head as she walked back to her room.
If I could just have a family like all the other kids and I could date whoever I want to without thinking about dying. she sighed looking out the window.
After a while she found herself thinking about the boy she had met again, she smiled unknowingly as she thought of him.

How can someone be so perfect? If only he wasn't a Nang....

“Jonghyun, I know the consequence. But…..I don’t think I can forget about her easily.”said the brown haired guy. He was smiling warmly when he remembered the girl he met.

“I don’t want you to die, Onew.”Jonghyun stared straight at Onew, his friend.

“I don’t want too. Well, there will be a way somehow.”Onew leaned on his hand and still smiling brightly.

“Sigh….you always like that. Thinking everything in simple way.”Jonghyun let out a sigh.

“Kekeke…..I’m not thinking everything in simple way. But if you think about something too hard, it will burden your brain. It’s tiring, you know.”said Onew casually.

Jonghyun just rolled his eyes and chuckled a little. “So, where did you meet her?”

“In a bookstore. I met her and we were having the same interest in books, so we talked casually without knowing each other family. Before I left, I asked for her name. I was so shocked when I knew she’s from Dae family. Especially a daughter from Dae head family.”said Onew.

“You mean Han Seungyeon? And then?”asked Jonghyun curiously.

“Since she already introduced herself, I introduced myself too. And her reaction was same when she heard I’m from Nang family.”Onew continued his story.

“Your father definitely won’t be happy if he heard this.”said Jonghyun.

“It’s easy, just don’t tell him.”said Onew. “You’re my bestfriend, Jonghyun. Please help me~~~”Onew stared at Jonghyun with his puppy eyes.

Jonghyun knew Onew would do this everytime he want something from him. “Aish….fine.”

“Haha…you’re definitely my best of the best of the best friend!”Onew smiled even brighter than before. “Okay, let’s go home. You wanna race?”Onew smirked to him.

“What’s the bet?”Jonghyun lifted an eyebrow.

“Hmm……..whoever lose should take Roo out for a walk tomorrow.”said Onew.

Roo is their dog which Jonghyun picked from somewhere. It used to be so cute, small, and adorable. But now it has grown big and naughty too. It’s so hard when Onew or Jonghyun took Roo out for a walk, because Roo is like has infinite stamina.

“Ok, call!”said Jonghyun with the same smile like Onew. He has confidence in racing.

They walked in their own car. Onew has silver Lexus LFA, while Jonghyun has a black Lamborghini Gallardo LP570-4 Blancpain Edition. They turned on their car on the same time and stepped hard on gas pedal on the same time too. They used to race each other like this. Even though Onew looks like a good and nice normal boy, he’s just like Jonghyun in some skills. Well, if his sangtae not came out.

Next morning Seungyeon woke up earlier than usual because she couldn't sleep well because of all the thoughts in her head.
She sat up on her bed and sighed.

I really can't get him out of my head at all.. this is driving me crazy! I shouldn't think about him I know but.. aish I have too see him again somehow..

She knew a place in the same city where some of the Nang family members lived. Since she had been a little girl she had been warned to never go to that place.

I might find him from there. If I just go and hang out near that house and maybe I could see him. See Onew.. even thinking about his name made her smile. No one would recognize who I am right? I'll just cover my ear with my hair and it should be fine.. she bit her lip slightly and started preparing to go out.

She made sure no one heard her going out the house and closed the door after her.

I have never met anyone like Onew.. I must see him or i'll go crazy. Just see him.. nothing else..


I guess it's too early for anyone to come out.. Seungyeon pondered as she looked at the house of the Nang family. She felt a little bit nervous about being there but she wanted to even see a glimpse of Onew.

Suddenly she saw someone coming out the house, she quickly turned her head away and pretended to just be a normal passerby. She glanced at who came out the house and it was Onew. Seungyeon smiled widely looking at him and walked a little bit closer to see him better.

Now I know that he lives here..maybe I could just say hi to him....or not... Seungyeon froze when she saw Onew talking to another boy who was leaning on his car.

"Ha!! I knew I'd win. You can't beat this." Jonghyun leaned arrogantly against his car.
"Show off." Onew mumbled.
"Whatever. Don't forget to walk Roo." Jonghyun said and got in his car. "I'll see you around. I got a date."
"You're such a player." Onew teased.
"I know." Jonghyun smirked.
"I'll get the gate." Onew said.

Onew walked towards the gate as Jonghyun drove. Onew noticed a familiar figure by the gate.

"Excuse me. I need to open the gate." Onew said.
The figure gasped and turned around.
"Seungyeon?" Onew said as she tried to run. "Wait." Onew grabbed her wrist.

Seungyeon stopped and continued to face away from Onew.

"Yah! Onew open the gate." Jonghyun got out his car. "Oh..." Jonghyun saw Onew holding Seungyeon's wrist. "Is this her?"
Onew nodded.
"You'll get caught here. Get in." Jonghyun said.

Onew and Seungyeon silently got in the car. They stayed silent as Jonghyun drove.

Jonghyun looked in the rear view mirror. "I'm going to drop you two off at a cafe, so um... sort things out. Don't get caught."
"Thanks." Onew said quietly.
"Aishi, the things I do for you. I'm so against doing this." Jonghyun glared at Onew through the mirror.

Jonghyun dropped of Onew and Seungyeon at a cafe. Then drove off to a club owned by his fellow Naeng friends.


"Hey!" Jonghyun said to his friends.
"Jonghyun, sup!!" GD, TOP, Taeyang, CL, Bom, and Minzy said.
"Ready to party?" TOP asked.
"You bet." Jonghyun replied.

GD told the DJ to turn up the music. Everyone began to dance.

Seungyeon and Onew looked at each other slightly awkwardly as they stood on the street.

"Umm... so.. wanna have some coffee with me?" Onew asked her.
Seungyeon shook her head. "No thanks."
Onew looked at her confused. "Oh.. you don't..." he said disappointed.

"I don't want coffee but i'd love to have some ice cream or something else with you. It's just that I don't like coffee.." Seungyeon said.
"Ah... oh.. so ice cream?" Onew smiled. Seungyeon nodded and walked inside the cafe.

They made their orders and sat down on a table in the darkest corner there was making sure people wouldn't see them together.

"So Seungyeon.. how come you were there at our house gate this morning? I never told you my address or did I?" Onew asked.
Seungyeon played with her spoon. "I was just passing by.." she said. She didn't want to confess she was there just because she wanted to see Onew so badly.

"Ah.. just passing by. But you are a Dae right? And that area is my family's.. I've never seen the Dae's just passing by the Nang's area... that could've been dangerous to you." Onew said.

"I know that." Seungyeon said and stared at the Nang tattoo in Onew's hand. "That guy who gave us a ride here.. who was he?"
"He is my best friend Jonghyun.. don't be afraid I trust that he won't tell anyone that we met." Onew assured her.
"Ne.." Seungyeon nodded then looked at Onew. Onew looked back at her and smiled.

"I like your smile." Seungyeon suddenly said, she wanted to change the subject away from their families.
"Eh? My smile?" Onew asked slightly abashed. Seungyeon nodded. "Yes your smile."

Onew’s cheeks went really red when Seungyeon said that. No one ever said anything about his smile, especially a girl.

“Oh…..err….thanks…I guess?”Onew touched his back neck while still smiling shyly. It’s the sign when he was embarrassed.

“Hehe…….you’re really different from any other guy.”Seungyeon giggled a little.

Onew just smiled and laughed with her. It was a sweet moment between them. After that, there was an awkward silence again, so Onew decided to talk.

“Emm……so, you’ve seen our area? What do you think?”asked Onew.

“Well, it’s not too different from Dae’s area. You know, the shops, cafés, houses……”said Seungyeon.

“Really? Ah, I hope I can see your area too someday. It’s too boring hang out on the same area everyday.”Onew licked his chocolate sundae again.

Seungyeon blinking with confused stare at Onew. “But it’s dangerous if you go there. You’re from Nang.”

“Well, you’re from Dae and here you are.”said Onew.

Seungyeon stared at her ice cream. “That’s right. It’s so dangerous I came here alone. Luckily I met Onew as soon as I reach here.”thought her.

Then Onew suddenly clapped his hands once, making Seungyeon shocked. “I know. I can sneak in. Just like what you do now.”

“What? It’s dangerous-”

“Then you can accompany me like I accompany you today. I’m going to make sure nothing will happen as long as you’re here with me. So you can do the same.”again, Onew with his simple idea.

Seungyeon stared amazed at Onew and started giggling.

“Why are you laughing?”asked Onew innocently.

“Haha…no-nothing. Okay, I’ll think about it.”Seungyeon smiled sweetly to him.

“Then, what do you want to do now? Do you want to sightseeing?”asked Onew excitedly.

Seungyeon nodded her head agreed with Onew’s idea. Then Onew offered his hand to her which she took without any hesitate.

Before they gone, Onew bought a baby blue hat for Seungyeon to hide her face. Onew brought her to an amusement park, mall, some pet shops, and other stores. Sometimes they stopped at a café again to drink or enjoy their lunch. Seungyeon really enjoyed her time with Onew, and so did Onew. They kept smiling brightly to each other. Time flew fast, the sun began to set. Onew took her to the border area or Dae and Nang family.

“Thanks, Onew. It was really fun.”Seungyeon smiled to Onew.

“Anytime. If you want to come, contact me, though I prefer we meet in neutral area.”said Onew. They already exchange phone number. It’ll be easier for them to contact each other now.

“Sure, and if you come. I’ll accompany you to see our area.”said her.

Seungyeon waved her hand to Onew while walking back home. Onew still staring and waiting in there until he can’t see her again. He turned back and went home with happy face. He can’t wait to tell Jonghyun about today.


A/N: Whew...this is one of my RP with members from KRPfanfics. Join us if you're interested doing an RP in http://krpfanfics.b1.jcink.com
We'll be happy if many people join the forum.^^
Comments are loved!!!

Chapter 2

rp-only that person, pairing:jonghyun/iu, pairing:onew/seungyeon

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