May 18, 2008 20:11
Woah, haven't been here in a while.
Actually, havent been here in about ten months, quite a fair effort (or non effort) on my part.
So whats new? I am still at the same job, which is no longer new and shiny, like it was last time i updated. Things are going good, i really have it good there (which i sometimes take foregranted - like when i booked my overseas trip). Oh yeah, i'm going overseas in a few months. Europe trip, muchos exciting, and havent told work yet...eeek
Isnt it strange, like i'm sure a bunch of stuff has happened since the middle of last year, but it elludes me... I went to brisbane in september last year and to melbourne at the end of last year with the sister (saw phantom of the opera!), i went to sydney earlier this year and i'm hitting melbourne again in July, which im REALLY looking foward to. Were staying in a hostel and planning to run a muck for five long days. Wow, when i think about it like that i do go places - yey for me.
I had my first trial in april, a two day hellish experience (i love it secretly) and i have another one coming up in august. I'm a proper lawyer and everything. I might have to do an argument soon, which is scary, but i'm sure it will be a "learning experience"...even if that experience is basically me just going "shit shit shit shit fuck shit!"
Had my birthday in April, which was a joint effort with a friend, we had a monster themed pub crawl in the city, which was absolutely hillarious.
And thats all kids. I shall see you in another ten months.