(no subject)

Apr 25, 2006 11:04

Myspace is the spawn of all evil...

I honestly think people wake up to think... how can I start drama today, oh lets do it with myspace. It pisses me off. It becomes peoples entire life... and when I say people, I am completely including myself into it. It is a one click way into the world that you live, who you are dating, who you are friends with, what are you doing this weekend. But why do people care so flipping much? And now there is the system where you can set your age to 14 and then private... I swear the people that have that set are the biggest stalkers of them all. They are saying, you can't come into my life but I sure as hell can come into yours. And I swear if I hear another conversation about who is checking your myspace or when you should change your status for your new boyfriend I am going to scream. The thing that makes it so stinking lame is at the same time, one site is connecting me with all my friends dating back from elementary school. I cannot deny that power and that ability. We are enslaved to this sight.

Ok now I need to vent about this topic again...

When people start dating someone new, it is almost as if the friends are dating that person as well. Not only is it the only thing we talk about but decisions are based completely on that. "Oh, I can't go to dinner tonight, James is going to call" or "Well let me ask James" if I wanted to date James, then I would have. It sure doesn't help when you haven't ever cared for James in the first place and now have to deal with him. And in the bliss of new relations, people change. They feel cooler than they actually are... Reality check, you have a boyfriend, still not cool. Maybe the problem lies in me... when I date someone new I dont look at it long term, my long term ends at the end of the month, so when I hear plans for marriage or even love I get so freaking irritated. How could you be dating someone for 2 months and already be planning your future!

Ill add on later... I need to cool off.
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