Jun 30, 2006 08:31
Well, my appointment went GREAT! Cept I had to deal with a new nurse person instead of Gale, but what-ev!
My blood pressure was too high, but they said that-that was to be expected during this part of the pregnancy. I've only gained 2 pounds in 4 weeks and the doctor said that's probably just the baby though cause this is when he'll start gaining weight rapidly. Uhm... my weight is perfect, I'm hydrated-thank goodness, uuuhm.. urine was good. I'm doing great! And the baby is in the right position! Cept now he's putting his feet in my ribs, lol. Not the most comfortable thing in the world, but I'll live with it. Uterus looks awesome. So.. everything's looking really good. Let's just hope that it stays that way, lol.
I'm now going to be seeing my OB every two weeks now. So crazy! I can't believe Hunter will be here in practically less than two months!
BS is going to be here soon! I can't help with decortaing though.. this I DIDN'T know, but hey all's well that ends well, right?
I have to tell Ali that she'll have to either meet the family down at the place of the BS to help decorating oooooooor she'll have to stay the night with Heather, which is totally cool with Shar because they're friends and all.
It's 8:40am.. Aunt Krissy should be here sooooooooooooon! I can't wait! I wonder what we're going to do. I really would like to do something because they barily get to come down.. and Gary really likes hanging around Dougie. I think it kinda gives him insight to what it'd be like to have a lil boy running around. Not that Hunter would be like Dougie because all babies are different, but just the idea of having a lil boy around. Yannoh.. in general.
Gary had told me that the reason he changed what he wanted, as in from wanting a daughter to a son, was because of Dougie! Awww, so effing cute. Dougie and Gary were playing video games and yea.. he bonded with him, lol. And he fell in love with the idea of having a lil boy. Plus, he wants a son to teach how to drum. Lol, he's so silly.
I really should go get dressed and put my face on, but I don't feel like doing my hair and putting make-up on. I should though.. but I more than likely won't. Haha.
I FINALLY GOT MY CD'S BACK!! Meagan wasn't the one to give them to me though. Her mom, Kathy, brought them over to me. I'm missing some cd's like the michelle branch cd, the spirit room, but nothing I can't live without. My mom bought me that cd for my birthday so I'd like to have that one back. I'm 'talking' to meagan right now. I forgot that she had brought her final destination dvd over to my appartment, even though I already had the movie, but what-ev. She'll get it back eventually. She'll have to come and get it though, cause unlike meagan, Gary and I don't have a car. Anywhooo..
I don't know what to make of Meagan anymore. I mean.. her and Nick have only been going out for 6 months and suddenly they're talking about what they're going to name their kids and stuff like that. I mean.. Gary and I didn't start talking about having children til.. like around our 7-8th month.. but we were engaged and had been engaged for months. But hey.. it's meagan's life, not mine.......... soooooo, whatever she wants to do with it is, by all means, her choice. It's just that she's not the most responsible person in the world. I mean.. here she is, 19 going on 20, still lives with her mom and dad. She doesn't pay rent, or any type of utility bill. She doesn't have to pay for cable or for a phone, though she does have a cell phone bill that she has to pay off because she shut it off before her year was up, but that's her fault. Her reason for shutting it off was that she couldn't afford it anymore.. lmao. She has to make the payments on her car and a cell phone for goodness sakes. It's like.. she's never had to own up to anything. Her mom and dad give her money when she asks for it. I can't wait til she's living on her own.. then I'll put up with her complaining about not having any money. She should start saving it instead of going and blowing it all on alcohol or stupid things that she doesn't need. She's never had to pay rent, buy groceries, pay the bills (including cable provider and utilities), pay the phone bill and all that fun stuff and try to have lunch money for work so you don't starve all at once. It's hard.. I don't see how people would want to grow up and move out so fast. I wish that I still lived with my grandmother, sometimes. Gary and I make due, but it's hard sometimes. And especially since sometimes.. after paying rent and other bills plus having to give his dad $50.00 .. we can't always get groceries. You want to know what we have? If you looked in our fridge you'd be asking yourself.. how does a pregnant women eat and stay healthy if she doesn't have anything besides some lunchmeat, a jar of pickles, a gallon of milk, some juice.. a pound of hamburger, a couple loafs of bread and some other stuff. Sure we have more than some people do, but when you're trying to feed three people, it's hard. What I'm afraid of is that I'll end up like my Mom. I know that I won't, but again-like I said- it's a fear.
It's a couple minutes to 9:00am. *sighs* I really should get dressed, lol. But it's getting all hot and stuff and I don't want to right now. Haha.
I need a new e-mail address, but I can't think of one. Blah..
I love The Sims 2 game.
I love Law and Order (SVU-CI).
Yea... can you tell that I'm just rambling now? Oh well.. no one can hear me anyways, so it's all good. I should just update this now before my grandmother yells at me because I type so fast that it annoys her. The sound of the clickety clacking of the keys. My sisters don't type as fast as I do and they have to look at the keys to type so they do it slow and usually only using their index fingers and I don't have to do that so it's like I'm just babbling with my fingers. You know.. like when you run off at the mouth .. that's how I type, lol. Welp, I'm gonna go-head and get off here. Talk to you all lata! Austa le vista, bebe!
Love Always,