Apr 16, 2020 13:27
What a crazy world it is that we are currently living in. This COVID-19 situation is surreal, and quite frankly it's kind of thrown our lives into a tizzy. For obvious reasons it's very anxiety-ridden, but I must admit that there is some solace that I'm finding within myself during this time. I do not mind being asked to stay at home, and I don't mind being asked to not socialize. It's almost feeding into my natural 'introvert' vibes.
That being said, there has been a lot of changes in the midst of everything as well. I finally had a job change. It came in January, but it's still at the same company. The role was changed, and if I'm honest...it's only a bit better. There is still a huge mess for me to fix, and quite frankly it's time consuming to take something that's been broken for a couple of years and try and put up new controls and organization.
I've also seen a lot of my house renovations getting done, which has given me much more of an ability to relax. I am sleeping a little bit better as well since I had surgery in February to fix my nasal cavities. It's like night and day from before, when I used to wake up stuffy almost every morning. It was insane how different it is now that I've had the procedure. You don't realize how little energy you had before due to the low quality sleep you were getting. It's been a lot better.
How are all of you guys dealing with the virus? Am I alone when I say that I find some solace?