Title : Like Sepia
Author :
dani_25 Chapter(s) : 1/3+epilogue?
Genre(s) : AU, Romance
Rating : NC-17
Fandom : the GazettE with Luna Sea
Pairing(s) : Uruha/Aoi/Uruha, Inoran/Uruha
Warnings : Language, Sex, Tragedy
Disclaimer : No owning of A and U T__T
Comments : Old story from me.
Collection :
Synopsis : Monochrome was the colour of your world yet, so
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anyway, I like the story *-* it is different from other stories you've written.
Uruha's part is very detailed and I'm curious to see what happened to Aoi.
mmh Why did you write in the warnings "tragedy"? it is not that Aoi or Uruha die? I do not know if I could bear it çAç
Thank you for reading ^_____^
Don't tell me, someone dies in this fic?! If so, I do not read the ending...
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