YAY!!!!! It's been a pretty awesome day!

Apr 08, 2005 16:23

In jazz band Julie and I talked.. just talked.. no sarcasm or anything.. we actually had a normal conversation and .. dare I say it... We're friends again.. It's only been 2 months.. usually we can't get over ourselves and apologize until like.. at least a year later.. but it's cool.. because at least when Julie leaves she won't be taking the only chance we really would have had to become friends again.. (at least face to face).

I got a 97 on my history test today.. I only missed one stinkin question.. of course.. but that will so help my 64 on the last test because I fell asleep while taking it.. oopsies. But being so tired all the time will soon change because I will be seeing my doctor next Wednesday and I can get my medication back up.. ROCK ON. Those of you who knew me in 9th and 10th grade.. you know what's gonna happen... I'll be back to my crazy, hyperactive self... mwahahahaha.. at least I can semi-controll myself when I'm like that.. unlike some people.. *cough cough cough Joey cough*

Ryan, Don't EVER be absent again when we have puppet shows.. it just was not good... *begin overly dramatic acting* WE NEED YOU! *end*


Whoever went and locked all the lockers must die... that was so freakin retarded.. Mr. Cambell said NOT to lock the lockers anymore and what do you guys do... immature little Freshman... no offense to those who aren't... BUT Kat and I saved the day.. we went and had the front office call Big C and tell him what was going on and ask if we could have the key to his office to get the combos... lol.. the ONE time I don't have my combonation... It got washed yesterday so I didn't know it today..

I REALLY hurt my ankle today.. I just walked down the steps at my house and when I stepped off the bottome step something popped and IT HURT.. then later I was getting off the bus at the Elementary school for Drama and I couldn't see because I was carrying the box with our puppets in it.. so I missed the sidewalk and bent my foot weird and it popped again and made it hurt worse so now when I walk my ankle pops and it's kinda swolen and hurts a whole lot.. :(

okay other than that..wow this is getting long.. mainly because of my spaces but.. right now.. don't care.. here is an overview of what else is making my day rock so hard 8D

We might be getting DSL.. ^-^ YAY and maybe a new computer for me.. probably not though.. BUT a new printer though which will be usefull so I don't have the opera singing penguins all over the back of my papers... lol.. ask me sometime and I'll show you if I can.

My parents gave me money for the after prom thing (w/e it will be) because they want me and Philip to go to it because we can see a movie any time.. they want us to have our special night... they're so cool sometimes..<3

AND they are giving me money for dinner tonight which is also sweetness in a can because I don't want to cook tonight.

I've just been in a giggly mood all day ^-^
I <3 Philip :D
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