Once upon a time...
19:21 I haven't been updating nearly enough lately, cant sit in computer chair for too long for too long and spending most of my time reading. :)
# 19:39 I'm wondering if the baby shower invites actually went out or if they got lost in spam mail with the evites.
# 06:55 Got a little extra sleep last night, but still sleepy this morning. Where's that darn snooze button on Elliot?!!
# 06:56 Kindle 2 got announced *drool* I'm pondering getting one and giving Rob my hand me down Kindle 1 hehehe. :) I Lurve my Kindle!
# 07:57 I've only been awake for 2 hours - but I'm soooo ready for a nap. zzzZZZzzz
# 11:07 I'm hungry but dont want to go make lunch - anyone delivering? ;) hehehe
# 11:08 @
spiritdancing1 You took your Kilt off today? at work? WoW! ;) *mwah* sorry couldn't resist
# 11:36 ok the soup I ate sooo didn't hit the spot. bleck I should know better than to attempt something with turkey in it. *le sigh*
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LoudTwitter And they lived happily ever after!