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Dec 17, 2007 08:52

Consciousness, Dark and Light:
The Bandwidth Problem Using Your Greatest Treasure
Ron Glick

In case your Oracle is broken, you only need to go to a mall or stand in line at Toy-R-Us for #3 son's Wii to know that frenetic is not all that uplifting, hardly comfort nor joy. In this season of celebration, 'tis obvious that the secular practice has drifted off into hysteria, a bit lost.

We celebrate the light because of impending darkness; winter solstice is the shortest day, the longest night of the year. To balance this, these winter holidays hopefully focus us upon the return of the Light. Of course, this is an echo of the inner journey on the Path, consciousness, the ever-expanding circle of Light: the further you travel, the higher you get, the more Light surrounds, imbues you, and as a result, darkness stands in ever greater relief to anyone who watches.

And the darkness most easily seen is that in others. Yes, you may find yourself saying good-bye to old friends and former traveling companions. Or teaching, nursing, healing the less fortunate. Casting aspersions, telling stories of this or that person's failings is quite common, easy, seductive even. Most of us do not have to look far.

But even with the gifts of our practices, we still have limited bandwidth, only so much consciousness we can devote to watch, process, shepherd, study. Consciousness, where you direct your mind, is the greatest of all treasures, better than family, loved ones, an ample bank balance, your secret hoard of gold. If your focus in on other's darkness, gold turns to lead; you can easily choke your consciousness, bog yourself down, even get stuck.

Since the power for change lies within, if you are drawn to focus on darkness, our own is the place to concentrate. Often, we shy away from that which is uncomfortable, unfamiliar, the parts of us within that are not pretty. How to use darkness skillfully? First, relax. When rested, then we have to face our own foibles, bad habits, fears, walk through our Valley of the Shadows. Here is where the greatest gifts are hidden. Face that which you wish to change. Karma yogis teach: be willing to do the hard work.

If you do not, Shadow is destined to drive your life. Only a fool or someone young in the ways of the world repeats the same actions again and again and expects different results.

Striding along the Path inevitably brings change. You may start, say, telling the truth, instead of being 'nice.' People notice. Any difference will not feel comfortable at first. Following the Path means rising above lower heart, the ebb and tide of emotions, washing back and forth. Have the courage to follow your wisdom, and cleave to it even amidst storm-tossed seas, negative outside feedback.

People, including ourselves, do not like change. But the further you go, the more you refine your awareness, the less consensual, common, normal will be your views, your understanding and your actions. At first, internal navigation is a challenge, but it becomes easier with practice.

Guard your internal treasure. Cultivate your mind and awareness. Consciousness requires not only right action, but also observing your action (and everything else, including the consequences of your action), and blessing that which you want. And lo and behold, one day, working in darkness becomes much easier, even blessed. For as any adept knows, all growth first occurs in the dark. When you know this noble truth, you honor Darkness as Mother, not the enemy.

Practice is the greatest shepherd of all. Relax. Stretch. Sit. Watch. Test. Taste. Experiment, learn and grow. As you have heard before, it is all grist for the mill. And soon, you will be mostly bathed in radiance, irrespective of outside weather, light or dark.
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