-o- profile -oo-

Sep 17, 2011 23:00

Name: Ferris Eris
Series: The Legend of the Legendary Heroes
Timeline: Ep. 23, after Ryner's been dragged off by Claugh and Calne.
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Series | Ferris


Between the subdued emotions, dango obsession, crazy logic, and tsundereness, it should be very apparent that Ferris is one very odd girl. The first thing that most people will probably notice about her is the first one: she can come across as emotionless at times. This is hardly a surprise, given her childhood-it's noted that she did once cry and show feelings, like normal children, but eventually lost that capacity due to the abuse. She could no longer be angry or sad, for she didn't understand that her parents were in the wrong, and she wasn't happy, because she had nothing to be happy about. She didn't understand how to love or what being loved felt like, as her parents gave her none. While she's gotten better since then, she still is, in some ways, emotionless, or at least once was. There are simply certain emotions that she still can't fully comprehend or empathize with, as she hasn't 'learned' them yet. She's not so stoic to the point where she doesn't express feelings ever, as she is capable of showing anger, sadness, happiness, etc. like other people, but they're often mild. Consequently, she can say the most ridiculous of things with a straight face, be nonchalant even under stressful situations, and generally keep her calm even when things take a turn for the negative. Her truly strong emotions are, for the most part, reserved for genuinely serious situations.

The exception to this is when she's being silly or acting-with her, it's hard to tell the difference at times. Either way, Ferris is quite the actress, perhaps because she's otherwise so subdued. She's not afraid to be wild and dramatic with her stories and lies, easily bringing forth tears, a blush, etc. Although her actual storywriting skills leave much to be desired, she's fond of making up entire tales on the spot, occasionally acting them out with Ryner, who's used to her antics. Her favourite lie of all, however, is the one of Ryner being a sex fiend-the result of a poor first impression. Nearly every conversation they have involves her accusing of him being a sexual predator, spinning stories that range from being about how he attacks other females to how a single touch from him can make one pregnant. And again, to her credit, she never breaks her act as she tells these blatant lies (which is likely why there are actually a few people who believe her!).

On top of that, she tends to have rather strange reasoning. Ferris is the kind of girl who seems to live in her own world, thus taking things at her own pace. If you have the (mis?)fortune of being someone whose company she enjoys, expect her to drag you around to wherever she wants to go or do whatever she wants/wants you to do. Holding a conversation with her will likely go something like this: Point A - dango - Ryner is a predator - Point B3a7- dango - Point C - Point Q - tired of this already - slam to your head - conversation done. While you'll probably reach the point eventually, and what she says usually connects somehow to the topic at hand, it's not uncommon to be derailed from the original subject-mainly because she's not above adding random stories, as mentioned, or saying ridiculous things that would make you go "What." She tends to come up with odd ideas or do things weirdly, such as legitimately building a boat out of skewers or 'putting her sister to sleep' via cutting off circulation to her head. Oh, Ryner's complaining about Sion? She'll suggest killing him (and while she was ultimately kidding, you'd never be able to tell that from her tone). At one point, one has to wonder if she actually takes herself seriously-and who knows?

And so, it might not come across as a surprise that Ferris is, for a lack of a better word, a tsundere. While her outright abuse is only reserved for certain individuals (who may or may not be named Ryner Lute), how much she likes you is often proportionate to how much she appears to dislike you (Iris seems to be somewhat exempt, though given her young age, it's understandable that Ferris can't treat her quite as poorly). She freely bothers Sion, accuses him of being a tyrant, makes fun of him, goes along with 'assassination' attempts on him, and the like-and all that pales in comparison to what she does to Ryner, with Sion even noting that she was never that unreserved around him. This might have to do with, again, a rather poor first impression of him, but in any case, she's quick to beat the stuffing out of him for the smallest of reasons, if even for a reason at all. It's practically a part of their daily routine, really, and Ferris sees nothing wrong with it.

Also, along those lines, it's difficult to tell how much Ferris likes a person at first. In her own way, she actually does seem to bond with others quickly, even if it's not apparent outwardly, such as her relationship with Milk Callaud. They're never seen truly getting along, and yet Ferris obviously must have some fondness for her if she attends her birthday party, even adding her and Ryner's figures to the cake (an honour previously held only by the girl's squad). Oh, and dango. Can't forget that.

So on that note, it's impossible to talk about Ferris without mentioning dango. She eats more sticks in one day than one could count on several hands, leaving those around her to stare in wonder... while she herself feels that she's not eating enough. She should be eating hundreds a day, like a proper dango master! Simply put, for her, dango is serious business. Taste, texture, overall quality? She has to examine them all. New dango shops in Roland? Time to go on an epic dango tour. Apparently, she aspires to own a dango shop one day, which, as Ryner notes, makes sense given how seriously she takes dango. Her response to that speaks for itself: of course she takes it seriously, or else the dango god would punish her. That's right, dango god.

-And as a result, when she doesn't make dango her top priority, it's obvious that something's up. Chances are, it's something that has to do with her friends. As someone who never really had anyone supporting her before, Ferris highly values her companions, even if it doesn't always seem like it. She's protective of those she cares about, such as Ryner or her little sister, even if she's quick to mistreat them. Leave her on her own for too long, and she'll become lonely-perhaps a strange thought for someone who seems so stoic, but it's the truth. Although she does seem to do whatever she wants, she's ultimately not sincerely a leader, since with her upbringing, she doesn't have any real beliefs or motivations of her own (dango exempt, of course). Thus, when you get down to it, she follows others' orders, or spends her time chasing after her friends, in a sense. She follows them, because she doesn't really want to be alone anymore. And therefore, should you try to break off your friendship with her, she will be pissed off. In all honesty, she's not so concerned with all the world's affairs as so much as she is with the affairs of her friends. If her friendships are turned upside down, then so is her world, to the point where she might very well start to fall apart. As said before, her outbursts of emotions are typically reserved for serious situations, and you can bet that problems with her friends fall under that category. Genuine fury, tears, sad smiles-there's a good chance that they can be attributed to her friends' actions.

And so, Ferris is an extremely loyal friend. She remains open-minded to Ryner's... uniqueness, having never thought that he was a monster, even while watching as he goes out of control-and she makes it clear that she never will. He's her partner, manservant, and tea-drinking companion, but even if he'll call himself one, he's never a monster in her eyes. Likewise with Sion-even if he starts acting weirdly, telling her that he killed Ryner and for her to never have anything to do with him again, she won't listen, because she won't leave him alone with his problems just like that. After all, her friends are her world, and so she'll do everything she can for them in the end, even if it's hidden beneath a rather different exterior.

In terms of morals and work ethics, she's a bit of a loose cannon. She's willing to commit crimes, such as robbing nobles for her own sake, and she's the kind of person who, in her anger, can very well tear an inn apart without thinking twice. She has no qualms about leaving certain problems alone if they're not her problem. At the same time, she's generally willing to help people out and doesn't approve of injustices or war any more than the average person. Additionally, she can vary between being a hard worker and a slacker, depending on the situation. Sure, Sion (or rather, Lucile) needed to threaten her to get her to accompany Ryner, and she doesn't always focus on the task at hand, but she's more serious about it than Ryner, making sure that he gets work done and doesn't spill unnecessary details to others. On the other hand, she sometimes avoids doing any real work herself, hates paperwork just as much as he does (it's cutting into her dango eating time!), and won't necessarily act unless ordered by Lucile or, well, threatened.

In a way, she's both cynical and idealistic. Her world is a harsh one, which she understands, and thus has a bit of a callous outlook on certain things. In response to talk of a peaceful world where no one dies or has to kill, she thinks it's idiotic, as people die, and one person's survival means that another dies. Needless to say, she doesn't exactly view the world through rose-coloured glasses. However, she also has rather simplistic views at times, coming from a simple-minded attitude. If something bad happens, it can be made okay afterwards. If her friends die, then she'd be lonely; and so on and so forth. Ferris doesn't bother with unnecessarily details and complexities, instead focusing on the part that's important to her, and so can be idealistic under the right circumstances. Along that wavelength, should her friends choose that path, she'll follow them, as she doesn't necessarily disagree with such views.

All in all, she's quite the oddball, but when you're Ryner Lute's partner, you pretty much have to be.


+ She's an amazing fighter, and all of it through natural ability. She's very quick, agile, and strong, to the point where Ryner actually thought she was using magic to boost her abilities at first. She also deals with injuries as well, being able to stand even with wounds that should be keeping her down.
+ She's competent. As mentioned, she's an efficient worker when she wants to be, and on top of that and her combat abilities, she can be fairly perceptive. She deduces quickly that Ryner was going easy on her when they first meet, and despite lacking full emotional capability, accurately analyzes the state of his mind and feelings towards his circumstances.

- As said, she can be simple-minded, which can make her unpredictable, but also very predictable. And though her tendency to keep things simple helps her to keep moving forward, it wouldn't be surprising for it to bite her in the back one day. After all, it can be interchangeable with 'naivety' in certain situations.
- Because of her strange behaviour, keeping up with her can be a chore. As a result, those with low tolerance for nonsense will probably find her difficult to get along with, and she makes no attempt to change her attitude for others.
- Apparently, she hates boats, as she gets seasick, and is afraid of ghosts, as she can't cut them down.

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