Aug 19, 2009 17:25
It's been quite a while since I've written hasn't it? My apologizes to those who have wanted to read what I have to say and neener neener to those who are/were glad that i was quiet. =)
There's not a great deal to yap about; things here don't change. I think it's just about official tho - I'm now a fat, balding, dirty ol' Messican! Yeah- I'm a little over 200lbs these days. I was kinda worried that this weight would affect my basketball game - it hasn't really. I can still run up the court (it's STOPPING that's posed a problem at this weight. HAHA).
I sleep peacefully at night more often than not these days. It's awesome. I still have a bad day from time to time. But who doesn't? The issue of my own mortality has been what keeps me awake at night sometimes, I'm trying to turn it around tho, so i can use it as a good motivater in my life.
I've been reading this book - "Darwinism Under The Microscope- How recent scientific evidence point to Devine Design" It's been very thought provoking read.
I don't wanna get my hopes up but there's a good chance I could be out this year! Yeah! Woohoo! I'll be eligible for a 1/2 way house soon. We'll see what happens - cross yer fingers people.
The kids, especially Chloe are growing so fast! I am in awe when she's around me. Danny and his Lady had their baby. My good friends Matt and Crystal had theirs. I can't wait to meet these new kids! I've always felt that Danny would be a good father (or Mother? Haha)
I've been drawing a lot again. Did a series of portraits - came out nice.
My show started it's new season this week, Mad Men. AMC - Sunday nights . If you haven't seen it now's your chance people. I love that show!
I have a photo hung up in my room. It was from a different lifetime. From back in the HOBOSSINC days. Good times. I miss those guys. =( Things change/people change though. I know that i was responsible for a lot and I accept and regret a lot of what went down and miss the friendships I had. Enough whinning though, It is what it is right?
We were locked down the other day cuz some guys got into a big ol' fight in the chow hall and the cops thought it may escalate into a riot (it was gang related) It didn't and prolly wouldn't have. It made me think tho - about how being in this world will have influence and impact you forever in certain aspects of life. And not in a very good way. =( New subject...
I wanna ramble a little bit about a friend of mine. I'm not sure if she will read this - doesn't really matter I guess cuz I'm not saying anything untrue yanno? Anyhow - We've known one another oh like 7 years now. During which time our lives have taken us all over - at times quite a roller coaster. We've seen other friends some mutual some not - come and go from our lives. I've written about friends before - or about Friendship rather. I guess this is just a sort of continuation/addition to that.
How often do we just tell our friends that we are thankful or grateful or just glad that we have them as a friend? I don't mean all sappy or cryin when we're drunk - tho some people do that only when drunk. But just straight up now and then a "Hey. Right on" Or "I'm glad you're around" Prolly too much for some huh? I have very few friends in my life. But I am so thankful for them and when I really think about it I can honestly say that both current and past/ex friends I've had in my life are irreplaceable. Regardless of why the friendship are no longer there they can't be replaced yanno what I mean? I don't mean those here today; gone tomorrow acquaintences. Those are like place holders in your life. I mean close friends that will remain in your memories forever or close to it anyway. For those friends I've had or now have a know/see/feel/remember certain very specific, individual things about them or us that makes friendship special or unique and thus very memorable. Anyhow - I digress. the reason I mentioned friends/friendships, etc...Is cuz i realized that at times we may step up and let a friend know when we think/feel that they're fuckin up. Which can really help sometimes, Yeah. But how often do we really praise our friends? This particular friend has been through her share of bullshit~ and struggles - she was a youngster when I first met her and Ive gotta say that I am very proud of the young woman she's become and what she's done with her life. It may not seem like a whole lot to some but I am very impressed by how she's handled herself over the years. She's really grown up I guess. She's demonstrated tremendous resilance, responsibility and strength. She even landed herself a fuckin husband!(Though that could actually just mean that there's a man as crazy as her which is really a trip) HaHa. Seriously though I'm talkin about my friend Leah. Her and Brent are good people. I could ramble on more about her but I don't want shit to happen like 1. Someone may take it wrong and get all jellybean or 2. She may end up with a swollen head - Neither of which is my intention. =)
My intention actually was to just use Leah as an example of being proud of a friend and sayin it. Who knows a friend could be struggling or just be down and perhaps them knowing that someone is proud or impressed by or even just notices the shit they've done, been thru, survived, risen above or become; might make their day. Or help them thru a tough time yanno?
And get this - a little bit of irony...
I'd tell my friend all of this instead of bloggin it except I can't cuz she doesn't write me! Hahaha! Sheesh. Perhaps I may have to re-evaluate this friendship.
I gotta point out that my friends are prolly the oddest group of people alive for sure. Haha!
And that's enough about that crap. I've been watching an awful lot of television lately. I guess its cuz I can sort of escape a little bit from this world during the show/program. (mostly its so I can mentally stalk the broads on tv I can't lie) Everyone who knows me know I'm a dirty old man Haha. Guilty. =/ There's actually some shows tho that I watch without being a provert. Yup! Mad Men, awesome awesome show. I've recently found a really kewl show on SYFY called "Warehouse 13". My "In Plain Sight" is done for the season - I'm still waiting for "House" to start again, Sept 21st I believe.
Okay. I have babbled long enough. People, Leah, could write me *nods*
Marc Garcia 62820
6564 State Highway 96
Olney Springs, CO 81062