Nov 30, 2014 19:20
Times change, locations change, and with everything around for those that appear to be changing, may be, somethings just hold back. Some of those who were seen as unanimous contenders to be the firsts in the race; want to hold back for a while, or, for variable spans unknown. Some of those who were anticipated as the firsts, they do hold back to cherish their lasts. At times, it is about making way for the world to move ahead, and at times, it is just about you to hold back, for reasons, including incompetency to start with! Does that bring a weird look to you, something you just didn't expect, or did it just flex the right muscles with your holy smile? Well, well - intended! It says about your mood, you know. Ha ha.
On a lighter note, confining underneath blankets aren't a choice, neither an option, nor the way forward. Reasons are seldom on the sailor's hat, the still waters hold things wherever they are. As one may tide through fiercely wisdoms, or cherish the last fall of the season, it is the colors of life that remain vibrant, and with some liberty if I may, not always, but the changes are often known, but the precise time of transition is mostly held back by nature. Nothing else holds. Literally. With strong force, the firsts are inevitable, but the lasts are rarely seen as a choice. Pervious manifestations are thus warmly respected. You may see them as you like, but somewhere, they're the lucky last! ;)