A Robust Theory of Epistemological Relativism and How It Does Not Imply One Can't Be WrongThere are some basic normative prerequisites to scientific method which all of its followers accept. Among these are Hume's Uniformity Principle (that the future will be and that the present is like the past), Occam's Razor/Parsimony (that the simplest
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*Other examples include the Second Law of Thermodynamics and E=mc^2...both of which are taught to younger students as if the concepts were being presented in their entirety when, it turns out, they are not--leaving students with a false impression of things like Entropy and Relativity. I don't have a problem with this as long as the students are informed that what they are being taught is imcomplete due to either experience or mathematical ability.
(I'm fairly sure that the bias to think of truth in this way is a condition that is rarely made outside philosophy and mathematics, but is fairly firmly entrenched in there.)
Seriously, though, if you mean applied math, the problem is that you lose the abstraction of pure math and have to delve into the world of approximations--ie, physics.
This is a collection of articles by Richard Feynman including "Cargo Cult Science" in which he takes on what he calls psuedo-science and the lies physicists tell the public. The other articles are really good, too.
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