...That I will never finish. :o
They even have detail shots! [The detail shots are at 100%, so I'm warning you now: That means they're way huge. Some of them.]
These go from oldest to newest. To the best of my memory. I should seriously start dating these things.
This one is wallpaper sized, and I don't wanna stretch the page too much, so it's a link. :) Although...I wouldn't suggest using it as a wallpaper because it is unfinished.
The lineart was done by Centi over on dA and not me. I started coloring it LAST SUMMER and never had the will to finish it. D:
A Few Detail Shots Oh. My gosh. This is sooooo bad. The only reason I have it up is because I really liked the way the hair turned out. I think this was the first time I put the dodge tool down when it came to hair.
Detail Shot of Hair I don't even remember why I'm putting this up. I think it had something to do with the way I mixed soft CG'ng with digital painting. :| But this is seriously so bad it didn't deserve a detail shot.
One of my characters from my story. Ophelia. And she's albino. And she has freckles that I seemed to have forgotten. Is it even possible to be albino and have freckles?!
Close-Up of the Eyes This is something I've had stuck in my mind for a while. A couple of months ago, I had the worst fear that there was a weird creepy monster thing standing outside my window. And whenever my mind would wander during the day, I'd get a weird flash [like a subliminal messaging kind of flash] of what it'd look like. I wish I could finish this and show you just how eerie it was. It had claw-like hands, red glowing demonic eyes...Yeah...Maybe one day I'll go back and touch it up? I'd like to. And I stopped working on it, because I just couldn't quite capture the surreality of the "situation." I'm sure I will eventually.
The patterns are from somewhere on the internet.
Detail This is very unfinished. I was trying to do a realistic thing...but heavy on my style...>_> And I was also trying out lineless drawing/coloring/painting. I don't think it worked? [And the nose looks really weird. MICHAEL JACKSON. Ö]
Nose Detail I'm sure some of you remember the lineart from my dA? Yeah, well I installed a trial version of openCanvas the other day, and I was itching to color something. I happened to stumble upon the lineart. Now let me tell you...I didn't realize that oC semi-auto blended colors for you. That was freaking me out. So I stopped coloring it in oC...mainly because the file was so huge that my computer started to run low on virtual memory...but anyways, I went back into PS CS2 and tried to make it as smooth as possible. I half like it, half hate it. Still getting used to high contrast coloring. :)
Details To people who aren't familiar with my work: In this batch, everything that I drew was drawn on the computer with an optical mouse in Photoshop CS 2. Everything was colored with the same mouse in PS CS2. With the exclusion of the last picture. About 60% of the skin shading on that picture was done in a trial version of openCanvas 3.5 Plus.