Right then...

Jan 03, 2014 22:21

Happy New Year to me! I scheduled three phone screens today, for next week. Exciting/interesting ones, even!

So far in this round of job hunting I'd managed one phone screen (where the manager mostly wanted to make sure I knew what job I was applying for - not a good sign) and one in-person interview, which was just plain weird. The job sounds interesting, work sounds like fun... then they took me on a tour of the office and showed me what would be my desk.

Yes, really. I... well, I didn't walk out, because I *really need a job*.

As you might imagine, today's events have me cheered up- two are for paying AND interesting jobs, the other for ongoing volunteer work that would make a less exciting job a lot more ok for me.

Otherwise, life is quiet. I'd love more social, but have trouble initiating plans when this broke..

reading: The Light Fantastic, Terry Pratchett

EDIT: Here, this is a better representation of the desk/bed...

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