Adagio Custom blends decant circle 2010

Nov 13, 2010 15:13

Adagio Custom tea blends decant circle 2010

Circle status: The tea arrived 11/29/10! The decanting is done, as of 12/8/10. You may still sign up for empty slots in existing blends. Totals have been sent, please pay for your tea if you haven't already! .

Slots left:
2 Caramel Apple Concoction
1 A Caramel Buttercream Tea
2 A Chocolate Covered Orange
2 Almond Coconut Joy
1 Freakin Twilight Fan
1 Dr. Horrible's Tea of Evil
3 Winter Spice

I tried to choose blends that people expressed an interest in, or that seemed fairly popular.

General info: Each slot is $2.75 for 1/4 of a pouch. The custom blends come in a 3 oz pouch, so each slot is for a little under an ounce. You can sign up for more than one slot per blend if you'd like, and I will include the original pouches on a first-ask, first-serve basis. Otherwise, they will come in little ziploc-type baggies with hand-written labels.

Any blends that do not have at least 2 slots filled will not be ordered. If a blend only has 2 slots filled, I may or may not decide to order it at my discretion. Don't worry, no one is going to pay for tea they don't recieve, and I will try to make as many people happy as I can.

Payment info: I only accept paypal. I also have to add paypal fees to your final total, so that I have enough to cover buying all of the teas and shipping without dipping into my own, broke pockets. I will be using to calculate fees so you can double-check my math at any time. Paypal charges $0.30 + 2.9% for US-based transactions and $0.30 + 3.9% for international transactions. All payment must be made in US dollars.

When signing up for blends, please include your paypal email address and location. After sign-ups are closed, I will invoice you for all of the blends that have enough people buying them.

For people in the US: I plan to ship via flat-rate priority boxes, as they offer the best protection for the teas. I plan on offering a choice of shipping to be determined upon what the cheapest option is once the teas are in. It is $4.95 for the Priority small flat rate boxes, like the ones most BPAL orders come in. I have many bubble envelopes and we can discuss which shipping method will be better for you. I am in NJ, so depending on how far away you are, regular priority even to California can probably be kept under $10 (it's $9.55 for 2 lbs priority from NJ to CA). If it's going to be hard to tell what kind of shipping you will need, I will be invoicing in two parts, one for the teas and one for the shipping after the teas are in and I can weigh them/figure out the best way to send them. If you have a strong preference one way or the other, let me know.

For internationals: Payment must be made in two parts- I will invoice you for the cost of the teas after the circle closes, and then for the cost of shipping once all the teas are in and can be weighed. If there is a specific way you want them sent, please let me know. I will do my best to keep everything as simple and cost-effective as possible, but in the last tea circle I did, I ended up eating some shipping costs due to underestimating. Please make sure you have enough money to pay for the shipping later. I would prefer not to have to hold already paid for teas because of insufficient shipping funds if I don't have to, so please plan accordingly.

Whew, that was a lot of info!

And now, on to the teas:
A Caramel Apple Concoction! - caramel, apple, vanilla (Joelle Rudnick - me)
1. boompsy
2. ondiney
3. necrotica
4. kisstheviolets
Pouch 1 is full!

Pouch 2:
1. emma2403
2. cheshirecat1959

A Caramel Buttercream Tea - rooibos caramel, honeybush vanilla, cream (Beth McGee)
1. ondiney
2. necrotica
3. kisstheviolets
4. tamerlane
Pouch 1 is full!

Pouch 2:
1. saramwrap (pouch)
2. cheshirecat1959
3. me

A Chocolate Covered Orange! - chocolate chip, orange, blood orange (Joelle Rudnick - still me)
1. emma2403
2. cheshirecat1959

Almond Coconut Joy - Chocolate chip, coconut, rooibos almond (Jennifer Hauschild)
1. ondiney
2. necrotica
3. kisstheviolets
4. me

Pouch 2:
1. cheshirecat1959
2. poisondove (pouch)

Amaretto Peach Pie - almond, peach oolong, cream (Debbie Truitt)
1. yoursininquiry
2. poisondove (pouch)
3. x
4. x

Cocoa Hazelnut honeybush - honeybush chocolate, honeybush hazlenut, honeybush vanilla (April Denholm)
1. ondiney
2. tamerlane
3. cheshirecat1959
4. me
Pouch is full!

Dr. Horrible's Tea of Evil - ceylon sonata, vanilla, berry blues (Brenda Alvarado)
1. boompsy
2. ondiney (pouch)
3. saramwrap

Earl Grey Cream - earl grey bravo, cream, vanilla (Rebecca Yannotti)
1. ondiney
2. tamerlane
3. emma2403
4. saramwrap
Pouch 1 is full!

Freaking Twilight Fan - dewy cherry, wild strawberry, blood orange (Sarah Almon)
1. ondiney
2. cheshirecat1959
3. me

My Dear Watson - earl grey bravo, chocolate chip, cream (Christa Y)
1. ondiney
2. tamerlane
3. saramwrap (pouch)
4. cheshirecat1959
Pouch 1 is full!
Waiting list:

Stomach Wellness Tea - ginger, foxtrot, lemongrass (Joelle Rudnick - also me)
1. yoursininquiry
2. cheshirecat1959
3. x
4. x

Sweet Thai Coconut - coconut, cream, rooibos caramel (Rebecca Benza)
1. ondiney
2. saramwrap (pouch)
3. cheshirecat1959
4. poisondove
Pouch 1 is full!

Sweet Velvet Fog - caramel, vanilla, cream (Rachana Carter)
1. ondiney
2. tamerlane
3. emma2403
4. me

Pouch 2:
1. kisstheviolets
2. saramwrap (pouch)
3. cheshirecat1959
4. originalgaia
Pouches 1 and 2 are full!

Winter Spice - spiced apple chai, honeybush vanilla, pumpkin spice (Lisa McDowell)
1. boompsy
2. ondiney
3. tamerlane
4. emma2403
Pouch 1 is full!

Pouch 2:
1.saramwrap (pouch)

Additionally, if there are blends you want that I haven't included, you can ask that they be included, if you are willing to commit to at least 2 slots if need be. I will then add it to the list and see if anyone else wants the other slots. You can stipulate to give your second slot to someone else should more people want to try it.

Non-blend add-ons:
for boompsy: Samples of Decaf Spice, Decaf Earl Grey (out of stock), Decaf Peach Decaf Mango and Decaf black sampler

for kisstheviolets: $2 sample of Honeybush, $2 sample of Caramel, $6 teabags - Almond, $6 teabags - Hazelnut, $6 teabags - Vanilla

for saramwrap: Samples of: Earl Grey Moonlight, Earl Grey Bravo, and Assam Harmony, Chai Sampler, Raja Sampler

for originalgaia: Cream sample $2, Chocolate chip sample $2, Vanilla sample $2, Vanilla Green 3oz $6

I will also take add-ons for non-custom blends, normal price. This may be especially cost-effective for internationals, as I hear Adagio's international shipping is less than desirable.

Anyone confused? Here's a step-by-step outline of what to do/expect:
1. Comment on this post with the names of the blends you are signing up for. This is a committment to buy all of the blends you list should they all be available. You may want to bookmark this post.
2. Sometime next week (after November 18th), I will comment back with the teas that are going to be bought and your final list. There may still be a few open slots for teas.
3. If you decide to go in for any more teas, let me know ASAP. Once the list of teas you are purchasing is finalized, I will give you your total and my paypal address. Please pay via paypal within 72 hours, and be sure to include your order, LJ name and email address in the paypal comments.
4. Once I have everyone's payments, I will order the teas.
5. The teas will be sent to my door, where I will do my best to get them separated and packaged up in a timely manner. This should be some time early December by my estimates.
6. I will invoice international people and anyone else who hasn't paid for shipping up-front for their shipping payments.
7. Once you're all paid up, the teas make their journey to your place of residence.
8. It's tea time!

I have ebay feedback here and feedback under the username DangerInRed. My email is DangerInRed [at] gmail [dot] com.

Signups by username

Shipped! boompsy (Canada) - A Caramel Apple Concoction, Dr. Horrible's Tea of Evil, and Winter Spice ($8.25), add-on samples of Decaf Spice, Earl Grey, Vanilla, Peach, Mango, , Apricot, and Orange. ($15.14)

Shipped! ondiney (USA) - A Caramel Apple Concoction! , A Caramel Buttercream Tea , Almond Coconut Joy , Cocoa Hazelnut honeybush , Dr. Horrible's Tea of Evil (with pouch), Earl Grey Cream, Freaking Twilight Fan, My Dear Watson, Sweet Thai Coconut, Sweet Velvet Fog, Winter Spice ($30.25)($31.46)

Shipped! necrotica (USA) - A Caramel Apple Concoction!, A Caramel Buttercream Tea, Almond Coconut Joy ($8.25) ($8.81)

Shipped! kisstheviolets (Australia)- A Caramel Apple Concoction!, A Caramel Buttercream Tea, Almond Coconut Joy, Sweet Velvet Fog ($11), $2 sample of Honeybush, $2 sample of Caramel, $6 teabags - Almond, $6 teabags - Hazelnut, $6 teabags - Vanilla ($34.65)

tamerlane - A Caramel Buttercream Tea, Cocoa Hazelnut honeybush, Earl Grey Cream, My Dear Watson, Sweet Velvet Fog, Winken, Blinken and Nod, Winter Spice ($16.50)($17.30 US, $17.48 international)

Shipped! emma2403 (Belgium) - A Caramel Apple Concoction, A Chocolate Covered Orange, Earl Grey Cream, Sweet Velvet Fog, Winter Spice ($13.75)($14.62)

marblemeadow (USA) - Winter Spice, Earl Gray Cream, Almond Coconut Joy, and Sweet Velvet Fog ($11)($11.64)

Shipped! saramwrap (USA) - A Caramel Buttercream Tea, Dr. Horrible's Tea of Evil, Earl Grey Cream, My Dear Watson, Sweet Thai Coconut, Sweet Velvet Fog, Winter Spice,(19.25) Samples of: Earl Grey Moonlight $2, Earl Grey Bravo $2, and Assam Harmony $3, Chai Sampler $7, Raja Sampler $8-(w/Earl Grey Cream $41.25) ($42.79)

yoursininquiry (USA) - Amaretto Peach Pie, Stomach Wellness

Shipped! cheshirecat1959 (USA) - A Caramel Apple Concoction!, A Caramel Buttercream Tea, A Chocolate Covered Orange!, Almond Coconut Joy, Cocoa Hazelnut honeybush, Freaking Twilight Fan, Green Times: So Simple, So Good, My Dear Watson, Stomach Wellness Tea, Sweet Thai Coconut, Sweet Velvet Fog ($27.50)($28.63)

Paid! Poisondove - Almond Coconut Joy , Amaretto Peach Pie , Sweet Thai Coconut ($8.25) ($8.81 US or $8.90 international)

Shipped! originalgaia (Netherlands) - Sweet Velvet Fog ($2.75), Cream sample $2, Chocolate chip sample $2, Vanilla sample $2 and Vanilla Green 3oz $6 - ($15.66)

tea blends, decant circles, tea, adagio

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