Mar 12, 2008 14:03
Either that or it's just too long. I defended myself. I said my part and then I got two really long responses. And I WOULD read them but I don't really want to take that much time to be told how crummy I am by people who don't even know me. Oh wait, no they can "see right through me" because they are such experts on human behavior. That's right. I think 22 will go down as the year of enemies because I seriously didn't have this many people hate me. Especially ones who don't even know me and only hate me because I used to date the girl they dated for like a month.
And Yeah I get upset about things and react pretty bad but I get over them just as fast. That's what some people don't seem to get. And that's why the internet fails me. They only seem to want to read the journal entries and bulletins where I got my feelings hurt. They ignore the ones where I was like "nevermind, I was being dumb."
In other news.
So I was thinking that now that I'm not working I could spend this week to either clean my room or relax but so far every day this week either my brother, my mom, or my dad has found something for me to do for them. Plus I've been upset about finding out that my surgery has to wait a month. April 18th actually. And stumptown is April 26th/27th so... yeah I have to wait even longer than that. Without a job. I don't want to go back to subway. Like if they had me work at the slow location it would be one thing but I really don't appreciate being chewedout about something that only didn't get done because they were making a ton of money off the flood of customers and there was a new guy working with me.
Sometimes I just want to go for a walk and never come back.