Před pár dny, nebo už spíš týdny, jsme ve škole psali pololetní sloh z angličtiny. Náš učitel zadává i témata, která jsou krásně mimo. Minule jsem psala práci na téma "můj strýc si myslí, že červené čtverečky jsou inteligentnější než žluté trojúhelníčky, a já si to nemyslím" - nebo tak podobně, nepamatuju si přesně ty barvy a tvary. :)
Teď jsem psala sloh na téma "glass ball in my mind". Už téma samo je dosti... mimo. Jenže já ten den byla unavená a nebylo mi dobře a byla jsem mimo taky. Napsala jsem tudíž něco. Dnes nám byly práce vráceny a já byla pochválená za skvělou surrealistickou práci. No, to teda asi stoprocentně. :D
Protože je tak krásně mimo, opsala jsem si ji. A tady je. :D
Glass ball in my mind
There’s a glass ball in my mind. Please, do not imagine any light bulbs or Christmas decoration. It’s a glass ball on its own; my own glass ball in fact. There are some specific things on its surface - shallow scratches on one hand, and untouched parts on the other. Mostly it’s covered in plush - so it doesn’t make my heart hurt. But sometimes it acts on its own. It’s a very, very mean glass ball! (I’ve got an impression it didn’t watch those educational programmes for little glass balls when it actually was a little glass ball. It’s a little bit tiring to have an intelligent glass ball in my mind...)
And finally I’m getting to the point where my story begins. One day I was able to absorb many kinds of information. My little glass ball was nice and I didn’t have to be angry with it. But later that day the situation changed. I was supposed to make out something. I usually like playing with words, writing stories or just being convincing. Usually, yes. When my glass ball is being nice and supportive. The problem is that it’s not only intelligent, thoughtful, helpful, friendly and attractive; it’s also mean, malicious and always-laughing. It threw the plush away and began to try what it can actually make me do.
My life was suddenly upside down. The things I hate were easy. The things I like were obnoxious. My mind agreed with the glass ball and they let in Poe only. No one and nothing were let out. That’s why I was made to write about the glass ball in my mind. Can I believe in the idea of my mind getting a rest before tomorrow? Please, don’t say “no” - credendo vides always works.
PS: I didn’t write this. My glass ball did.