Jul 26, 2006 12:00
I am an eggs person when it comes to the fine art of breakfast, though I am told by others much more nutritionally attuned than I that a serving of cereal is like a crunchy, golden vitamin pill. Be that as it may, the humble bowl of cornflakes never has been high on my list of desirous morning comestibles.
Subconsciously I must have been aware of information that I have only just became consciously aware of; namely that Kellogg’s Cornflakes, and Granola, inventor, John Harvey Kellog (1852-1943) believed that masturbation, and in fact all sexual excess, was sinful. "Sexual excess" in his mind was "sex for anything beyond reproduction".
Cornflakes and Granola, where designed by Kellogg to keep the bowels clear, and reduce the amount of excessive energy that would be converted into a desire to masturbate (Along with fellow American Sylvester Graham (1794-1851) who invented the much beloved Graham Cracker, for the same reasons)
Now don’t get me wrong sex with a willing partner or two is one of the greatest pleasures in the sixteen known universes, and, sometimes a willing (or even unwilling) partner is just not available, viable, or affordable, so one is forced to release the additional energies a large cackle-berry based breakfast delivers in what ever method comes to hand.
However, just thinking about it maybe Kellogg does have a point, have you ever looked down at a plate brimming with a hearty “English breakfast”. Two sunny side up eggs gently quivering in anticipation, a substantial beef sausage proudly emanating from a pair of plump round champignons, and the delicate ovoid curves crated by a couple of pieces of bacon, and not had an amorous thought or three.
Breakfast Anyone?