Last year was, in a lot of ways, The Year Of The Suck for me.
There was some good stuff in it, but a lot of suckage mixed in, personally and in the Wide World.
So last night,
girlpearl, the kids and I wrote down the suckiest parts of 2009 and burned them, then scattered the ashes into the wind. The worst of the year is gone, and we're all starting fresh in 2010.
Universe, you have received your marching orders. You are not allowed to suck so much this year.
Fortunately, I didn't resolve not to enjoy a small bit of
schadenfreude from time to time, so I can grin a small, evil grin at the news that
unrelenting bigotry, blatant idiotic lies, oxycontin abuse and a purported fondness for Dominican Rentboys does, in fact, have Consequences.
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