I enjoy my job. I really do. I get to have a job that pays me fairly well, is flexible, doesn't have me in an office, and it's a social job..meaning I am not in front of a computer for most of my day.
However, I have crazy clients. Crazy, crazy, C-R-A-Z-Y. They're good people and I enjoy them, but they are also crazy and they are addicts. This makes for, um, fun times...if I define fun as frustration with utter illogical behavior that makes my head hurt.
Friday night, I had two clients stay out past when they said they would be back and they didn't call to say they were going to be late, so that was an automatic 7 day in-house restriction. Then, they brought no proof of attending their appointments, which means a drug screen. THEN, I was informed they deviated from their program by meeting up with two men from the men's program, which is another 7 day restriction and they were up to two weeks in the house. THEN, I'm speaking to one of them and she is ridiculously, off the wall high--her pupils were the size of her irises. I did the drug screen and she faked her pee--wrong temp, wrong color, and it took too long for her to do it. So she and the other one get protocoled for the night, which means they are separated from the general population and don't have access to their belongings.
Great. So, I leave a note for the next staff coming in that they need to be drug screened again in the morning since one of them faked the test and the staff decided that this would be overkill. What the FUCK. So it's just fine to let them use and not call'em on faking screens?
Yesterday, I come in for my shift and she's packing to leave. Says her boyfriend told her to pack her stuff, as he checked out of his detox program, and they were leaving. I tried everything. I told her that if he loved her, he wouldn't ask her to leave her treatment and recovery program. I told her she wouldn't regain custody of her children if she picked up again. I told her that she would not be allowed back. No dice.
This morning, one of my clients informed me that this girl was seen turning tricks up on Main Street. So, another hits the ground flailing. She won't be allowed back.
I got the dubious pleasure of tossing rooms today which was less-than-thrilling. I have two trash bags full of contraband. Woohoo!
They've also been fighting with and picking at each other, to the point where I told them I didn't want to hear negative words or hear any discord from any of them until their house meeting this evening where they can air their grievances. It's worse than teenagers. I actually yelled today--they hauled me off the third floor where I was digging through people's stuff because of an argument. No thank you.
I'm hear until six tonight and then I have a date with Boyfriend. I love my boyfriend, especially when it means I get to spend time with someone who does not throw temper tantrums when he doesn't get his way, can interact like a grown-up, and whom I do not have to urine test on a regular basis.