Jan 11, 2006 18:55
Well its 2006. (Only 11 days late) lol. I really miss last year. It was such a good year. I was better friends with the group, and I had alot of fun chilling at Shannons house. I miss the good ol days.
Exams went shitty. lol. I got a 57% on german exams, but after extra credit i got a C!!!! YEAH! I got a C on Gov't too. That shit was hard.
Tomorrow is Chemistry. My exam will either Make me or Break me. either way my GPA is fucked.
I had an epihany last night. Seriously this time. My days of partying when i have homework and school things to do is done. Weekends only, until i eventually quit.
My math class is way to un productive for me. ITs more of a fun hour now because of all the crazy ass freshman in there. Mrs. Moretuzzo has been pissing me off lately too. Really bad. She needs a good slap. But then again, she is a really nice person.
My mom got out of the hospital today. Finally.
I get paid on Friday.
I turn 17 in 9 days. The 17th Birthday is stupid. BUT I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO BEING ABLE TO BE OUT PAST MIDNIGHT. legally. hah.
btw. Super big Gulps are not 99cent anymore. I AM PISSED!