Jesus, it's been like nine days and look at my bruises still 0_o
Least now my cast is as colourful as the rest of me, better to look at though. Alessa's a genius but we all knew that anyway.
So we fucked around with goverment shit for a while the other day, and it's all complicated, seeing as I wasn't technically employed, like I hadn't signed
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I'm so sorry they won't let you see Helena. Arseholes.
I know, ugh >.< Lee's taking in messages and stuff for her.
At least she'll know you're okay and you want to see her :)
Yeha, I guess there's that. Poor Hel.
But the next show is a combination of two one act plays. Tom Stoppard's 'The Real Inspector Hound' which is hilarious and then after the intermission, 'Cagebirds' by David Compton, which is both chilling and poignant. So they're getting comedy and drama. Something for everyone. And they can come for both shows or just one. Lalala I sound like I'm advertising now.
Poor Hel indeed.
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