<<<< PART 7:
Tonight I'ma let you be the captain
Tonight I'ma let you do your thing, yeah
-Rude Boy, Rihanna
"Please, tell me this will not always happen when we move. I'm not sure I can handle it." Adam told Tommy as they collapsed in front of their TV, and Adam turned it on
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Even thought it wasn't that easy to picture Tommy at the beginning as the badass vampire. I like him in the end better. But nevertheless it's an awesome story.
Allison is hilarious as is Brad/Mikey. What a pairing. Awesome!
lol. I know, I know. XD But somehow this just happened. XD
I love Allison. :DD, and I don't even know how Brad/Mikey happened. XDDD Do you like MCR? lol.
I just like how Allison is always a bit hyper. It's just easy to imagine. I don't know her just know she was on AI, too and saw her performing with Adam that's all. She really seems to be an awesome girl.
I really like MCR and Mikey is my favourite. :) Going to see them next month. Can't wait for that.
Yeah. She's awesome. I saw Adam in London so she wasn't there but she was my fav along with Adam on AI and I have her CD. It's a pretty good CD.
\o/ Heh. I luh Mikey too. I'm so jealous. I wanted to go to the Stockholm one, but apparently Stockholm is really expensive and just couldn't afford it. Bah. D:
lol. I know so many people going to see 'em. XD *Green with envy* lol. I'm hoping I can just see them later on one day when I actually have the money XD
My friends and I have to go to Munich. Thankfully it's not that far and affordable. But I'm still a bit dissapointed they don't play here in Austria. They did last time. Anyway!
I cross my fingers for you that you can go next time.
You're Mikey icon is great. :D
You just have to love the Kobra Kid. :)
I see. Aww. yeah, I think they wanted to I don't know, tour less or something because Black parade was so draining or something.
Thanks. :D
lol. Thanks. I'm pretty sure spuzz made it. XD
Yes, how can you not? He knows karate and is a bit hot tempered, if I remember what Mikey said correctly. lol.
Did you read the last Kerrang! interview with the fan questions? So amazing. :D
It's more likely that Adam would come here in the future than them. Since Adam's pretty popular here and shit.
I'm not sure, I think so. lol. Was there one about fanfic and how all their fans are pervs, that's a fact? XDDD I loved that one.
There was something about fanfics. Not sure if Ray said the fans are all pervs though.
My favourite question was whith whom of the band they would like to change for a day and Gee, Frank and Ray answered in unison Mikey Way! That was just so sweet. :)
lol. I never thought Adam would come here evne tho he's pretty popular here, or well was, anyways. But then dad was all some guys at his work (who work on putting on concerts) were thinking about who they could try and get this summer and someone mentioned Adam.
I don't think this summer is a gonna happen tho, and it was just an idea. BUT someone thought of him when thinking about concerts here, so ya know.
lol. Yeah. I remember. I don't think it said who said it. It just said like our fans are pervs. Fact. XD
Yeah, that was awesome. So cute.
With a new album in fall (read in some interview he want's it to be on the market in fall but nothings sure) he will do another tour afterwards so you can hope for that.
Ah, okay! I just remember Ray answering the fanfic question.
I was at work when I read it (I know I'm bad ;)) and I almost squeed when I read that. Thankfully no one was around then. *lol* Wouldn't have known how to exlain that. XD
Yeah, lol. I know. My Twitter feed is on top of all that stuff. End of this year, probably. You never know. And yeah, probably will.
lol. XD
Eh, lol. Yeah. Well, I've been umh working and listening to Danger Days and it's really fucking hard to not dance a little when you listen to that CD. Keep having to stop myself. XD
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