So, it's kinda mean but this week and I think next week (but maybe this is the second week) when teenagers come and check out the school, see if it's anything they'd be interested in and we kinda made it look very lazy. lmao.
One group came today just as we were in a slump and not doing anything, and since we've got two screens on one had my projects open and the other MSN. lmao. Also I was signing into Gmail because someone in the group was sending me a file for the project, and these two guys stood behind me and just said : "She's just on MSN. She's just using her Gmail." Hellooooo, I can hear you!!
We probably made it look so easy and laid back. lol. it is kinda laid back, but it's not like we do nothing all day. lmao. But I don't think the chocolate cake on the table helped or the grapes the girl next to me was eating. lmao.
Or the one person on the other side of the room who was just playing some online game. lmao. But then one of the guys in my group joked and said : Next when a group comes, let's just all pretend we're just watching videos online. Heh.
Like I said, mean to make them think we're not doing much productive but it was kinda fun doing it. lmao. Now they'll want to go to this school and then they'll find out that hah, only have three semesters do you get to this point and it's still a LOT of work to be done.
I deleted two avi's to make way for two others. One I used to use, the took away but just put back up which is "lie to me", it's pretty and stuff. Replaces the "Just waiting for a better day" one. Then one new one which is a Jack/Ianto one by
dawn_e_h via
jackxianto , which replaces "Pale is the new tan".
Isn't the animated avi I'm using pretty? lol. I LOVE it. Heh. Obviously it's the new one I mentioned by
I do wish I had more space, but...In the future, I'm hoping not so far off future. lol. :)
I posted my Buffy/Torchwood fanfic at like a few places, had some replies. people think it's interesting and stuff. I guess that's good. lol. :D Just gotta get to writing part 2, but I should also get to writing that
tamingthemuse prompt for this week. it's not a difficult one, I've just been busy with school and such.
I finally got around to making some swank changes at the new place for APO. :) I added a new style (we now have three you can choose from. Two have custom banners.) and I've made it the default one because it's soo pretty and looks so I don't know. lol.
I made a purdy banner when I got home from school since I needed the ftp. lol. I added some pretty rank thing, and added the rank names.
Anyone who wants to check out here's the link :
The APO (The Amusement Park Oubliette)
It's been kinda dead, but we're kinda trying to kick start it. lol. Though
winifred_ish is leaving for Spain tomorrow. lmao. I'm just trying to find things to do with it and all. :)
It's hosted by her, so you can't upload pics or avi's (though thinking of putting maybe 2 or 3 simple ones in a gallery) because of her bandwidth, but the plus side is totally that there are no ads and we control every aspect of it. :D
I've been looking at some smiley packs, but I'm still looking for that one awesome pack. It'll take a while. lol.
thechosenone47 is all sick. *hugs*
It's like 1:42 AM right now, so I need to go to sleep because there is still school tomorrow. Hee. :) So, good night and all. :)