What kind of person ends up screencapping 'Doomsday?' Clearly a glutton for punishment. Doomsday is my favorite episode of Who, but one I have never rewatched. Until now. Clearly, one time of blotchy face and red eyes was not enough. Guess what? I ended up bawling again. Ugh. It's still brilliant and perfect and still breaks my heart.
Behind the cut is a huge Doomsday picspam. It's huge and the comments are a bit incoherent. Doomsday has that effect on me. Oh, and the comments are very shippy, I warn you upfront.
Rose starting the story of 'how I died.' I think it's really symbolic, not just the obvious of 'she is listed as dead in the other world.' Because she really was only living when she was with the Doctor. Heck, she didn't even live before, merely sleepwalked through life:
Seeing a 'ghost' in Jackie's kitchen. Notice the sexy tie:
This is just hot. (I really like the pale washed out light in this two parter):
Darling, darling Rose. And awesome Mickey:
Oh, Rose. She looks as if she is underwater. She is one of the rare heroines I love as much, if not more, than the male character:
'David Tennant's face is made of rubber' Cap 1:
AND he is hot:
Trying to find out if Rose is still alive (I love the pinstripes. He has the most awesome retro suits):
Yes, she is!
And now he knows!
Sneaky, sneaky, awesome.
Oh, God, I love her:
This is just cool looking, because of the smoke:
In alternaverse:
Ummm, this is making me sniffly because of the foreshadowing. Frell:
Alternaworld is rather neat:
These are here for shallow reasons (and Doctor explains that the breach between two verses must be sealed forever, ASAP, or both will be destroyed).
He is bloody gorgeous. Seriously.
I kinda want to be that phone:
Rose, fearless of the Dalek:
Telling them how she destroyed their God.
I just love the sheer joy of this cap. They see Ten:
So surreal:
I love these scenes. I haven't rewatched S2 since starting on S3, and while I got the sense of enormity of the Doctor's darkness, loneliness and disassociation, I never really got just how much difference there was, and how much change until I rewatched Doomsday. He is just so much more 'human,' healthy (emotionally), there. It's startling.
Is there such a thing as a girlcrush? Because I have it. So bad.
Make it omnicrush. Can I crush on a fictional couple?
GUUUUH. Glee. "Social interaction will cease." heh.
Seriously, look at that grin:
They are so, so awesome, and I am so in love.
Jackie and Pete's reunion. I adore Pete and adore Jackie and I love that they got a happy ending and it's just...happy sniffles. Seriously. And I love the look on Rose's face when she sees her Daddy back, even if he isn't, and sees her parents reunite. And I love the pleasure on Ten's face. He really likes people, doesn't he? And I love the optimism. It's missing so hardcore in S3. I don't mean optimism for humanity, but Ten's personal optimism for himself.
Ten is checking out Rose's reaction:
He is so attuned to her. *shippy squee*
They see the Daleks and the Cybermen. The end of the world (and Ten's personal boogiman):
Cybermen. Ugh:
Pete and Jackie:
Ten and Rose, partners in giddy insanity, and saving the world (God, they are so radiant. Oh, nothing is as lovely as eccentric adrenaline junkies in love):
Seriously, look at them. It's just RTD's way of preparing to twist the knife:
Rose realizes the flaw. The universes will be cealed from each other forever, but if those with void matter get sucked out into the void, it means she and the Doctor and the others who travelled between the worlds, will too. And Ten is being matter-of-fact and saying that is why she should go to the other universe and be safe there. He clearly can't risk her. Or have her give up her family forever. He is so conceal-feelings-through-matter-of-fact talk, but OH. OH. Poor woobies.
You don't have to look as if you are dying, OK? I am already sniffly, here.
He looks as if he'd just woken up, he was so into the conversation with her:
Frell, frell, frell.
I love how her concern, her desire to not go, is all about him. She is not primarily worried about her feelings, or her life, but she doesn't want him to be alone. That is her primary thought: she knows how terrified of loneliness he is, and how lonely he generally was, and just...guuuuuh. Seriously. GUH. Woobies. And I love the way he looks when he hears her, because seriously, if he didn't love her before, he'd love her now.
And she is so open about her feelings. GUUUH:
But he won't let her, OMG. I love the scene where he walks up and puts the transporter around her neck before she notices. Hello, this isn't Gift of the Magi, people! Only it's worse, GotM had a happy ending. He gave her up for her sake, and she gave up her family for his. And at the end? They lost their choice and were left with nothing. Frell.
She is gone:
Except, oh insane, wonderful Rose, she came back (he tried it once before, in S1, and she came back, once before, and once before, she saved the world. Only this time, when she does it, there is no happy ending, no second chances, just brokenheartedness and devastation):
Love his reaction:
He is trying to convince her to go back and that she doesn't know the magnitude of what she is doing. Heh. As if it's going to work. I love them so much.
Ten and Rose, back in business:
Yup, saving the world.
OMG. She lets go of the safety holds, in order to pull the jammed lever. Which means she will be sucked into the void, dead, in seconds. And he is helpless, and can only watch.
And he is yelling her name:
And yelling her name, and stretching his hand, and it's all futile, and I am fucking crying, copy/pasting pics.
OMG. Pete appears at the last second, and saves her, by transporting her to alternaverse. She is alive, but it's almost worse. She is alive, and they still want to be together, but she is trapped in the other universe and he can never go there, and she can never go back. They want to be together, they know the other person is out there, and yet they can never have it. They have lost. Her last look at him kills me, and his face kills me worse.
That's almost worse, that is actually the worst. Because he thought he could keep her, he developed hope. It was sort of a horrible tease. He sent her back, and nerved himself, and then she came back and it was all going to be wonderful and then...that's like fishing out a drowning person and then when they start coughing water back up, dropping them again, and having them drown.
This scene makes my stomach hurt so badly even when I c/p pics. Seriously, I am looking at this, and am literally crying. Fuck. Fuckedy fuck. I love that they are trapped on the opposite sides of the wall in the different universes. She is on one side, and he is on the other, and they can never come through. And the synchronicity in their movements, the total devastation. Hell. And she is begging to be let back, pleading. And his eyes are just sheer black and he looks...I can't even describe it.
I love the juxtposition of their hands through the wall, so thin a partition and so impossible to breach. That is the closest they can come to holding hands now. I love it. By 'love' I mean, 'curse you, awesome awesome RTD for making me turn into a blubbery mess!'
And he leaves:
I love Mickey, heartbroken for Rose. I love Mickey, period.
And she is in Norway, because she kept hearing his voice:
And there he is:
The farewell scene. "I am burning up a sun just to say good bye." Um. Yeah. I am crying right along with Rose at that point. And the whole thing of how this is their last meeting, ever, but they can't even touch, and they were always super-tactile. Argh. They designed this to torment me, right? I do wonder about the one comment of his. She says there is going to be a baby (or similar) and he goes: "You are not...?" and she says no, she isn't pregnant, her mother is. And I know this probably spawned a thousand fanfics, but I really wonder about this. Because why is he asking? It can't be that she got knocked up on the new world: no time, unless she had sex right after she got there (and even then). She couldn't have been knocked up by anyone else on their travels, he'd know (they travelled alone, after all). And they were in love, but I don't think there was any shagging so...unless they are implying that she did get to know alien anatomy firsthand? *mind whirls with all sorts of theories*
He makes himself solid. But of course, it's an illusion. And they can't touch. No last hug, nothing. Hell hell hell hell.
God, their faces kill me. And she tells him she loves him. And I love it, when he says 'quite right, too.'
And he says it's his last chance to say it, and he says 'Rose Tyler, I...' but he can never finish, because the last bit of the rift closes and that is it. Forever. Gone. And he never got to say it and she never got to hear it, and I don't know if hearing it/saying it would have made it even worse for them both. Does it even matter? Whether she says it, or he says it? They know. They know how they feel, he knows she knows how he feels (I love that bit in The Satan Pit) and she knows he knows. Heck, all you have to do is to look at them together. *bawl*
And he is at the TARDIS, and he will never ever ever be able to finish. And they will never ever ever see each other again. And I will never ever ever be able to deal like a sensible person with this. And he is crying. A Time Lord. Crying over a twenty year old shopgirl. Who saved the world. Twice. And saved him and they were giddy together, and now...he is crying. Which is just as well, as so am I.
In the next installment of 'just how many ways can we torture the Doctor," picspam from S3 three-parter finale. I really must cap Xmas Invasion just for sheer self preservation.