My love for Why Why Love...

Sep 10, 2007 08:08

One good thing about jet lag (I went to bed at 6:30pm, probably for the first time since I was four years old)? I get up equally early. I was up before 6am, thus giving me plenty of time to watch Why Why Love ep 11. Which I duly finished and SQUEEEEEE!

Seriously, this is INCREDIBLE. It's that weirdly rare drama where it getsbetter with each single episode. It doesn't start to drag in the middle, it does not yoyo in quality between eps

This is going in my Top Dozen dramas ever. (In case you want to know the others: Mars (tw), The Outsiders (tw), Pride (jp), My Girl (kr), A Love to Kill (kr), Goong (kr), Meteor Garden (tw), Tree of Heaven (kr), Kurosagi (jp), Delightful Girl Chun-Hyang (kr), It Started with a Kiss (tw), Snow Queen (kr), Foribidden Love (jp). And Hanadan 1/2 (jp) (though this would make it 15, whatever). But they fluctuate between these in various order from month to month).

I adore Huo Da, who is so wonderful (he is my drama boyfriend) but in a real way, no shellacked perfection: he is boyish, impatient, a tease, and if you want him to a brainiac, you are watching the wrong drama. But he is incredibly loyal, with a huge capacity for caring, and he is completely straight-talking and hard to mainpulate. His head is screwed on incredibly straight, which considering the family disfunction, is a minor miracle. I loved him in this ep for the care and fun with Jia Di but even more for the way he interacted with Yan Shu (who is seriously obnoxiously guilt-tripping). He will not let her manipulate him, or guilt-trip him, or control him. And he goes to her when she is ill (because yes, he cares for her well-being) but he comes back to Jia Di ASAP, and explains himself, and from then on brings Jia Di along and...seriously.

Jia Di? Oh darling. She is so adorable I want to squish her. Things are finally looking up for her and she almost physically glows when she is around Huo Da and I love how she acts like she half-can't believe something good happened to her. She and Huo Da are like a couple of five year olds in some respects, and are so adorable together puppies are spontaneously created, I swear. Their interactions, little jokes and teases and laughs, come across as so well written and real. They are two awesome people who somehow, together, are more than twice as awesome. I finally get the Mike/Rainie fuss. DBY wasn't really a favorite, so even though I could feel the chemistry, I was still rather blah. But here? Oh MY.

Huo Yan confronting his father, in his quiet way, over Yan Shu (my raves over Huo Da don't mean I stopped loving Huo Yan. I adore adore ADORE him. In any drama, he'd be my favorite. But I just love Huo Da more):

Huo Da in one of his awesome moments:

That's a business policy I could clearly get enthusiastic about:

They have been made work overtime as a punishment. They don't look unhappy though :P

He talks her into a kiss in public (they have been made to work late and are in a store). Heeeee. He is so gleeful over a kiss on the cheek and she is giggly and adorableness :)

Huo Da is being caring but unyielding with the royal mess Yan Shu (seriously, girl! I think you are beginning to realize what a once-in-a-lifetime guy you lost. I don't feel sorry for you!)

He tells her he loves someone and it's not her:

This is just brain meltingly cute:

And then I peeked at ep 14 and oh no. ANGST CENRTAL. When did my fluffy adorableness of a drama became angst central? NOOOOO. I only saw a couple of minutes but they tore my heart out and did a tap dance on the remains. Huo Da and Jia Di are not allowed to be sad. It is WRONG. WRONG. If I didn't know this has a happy end, I'd be throwing things.

To cheer self up, here are a couple general Mike/Rainie/Kingone pics promo/set:

P.S. Kingone's song for this is so stuck on repeat in my player :)

ETA: My next drama? Nodame Cantabile. Solely due to janlake83's awesome post.

stills, kingone, rainie yang, mike he, doramas11, nodame cantabile, why why love, screencaps

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